A Unity3D Demo Project.
Idea Explain
- Chess
- Using fantastic pixel tool http://www.piskelapp.com/ to create two chesses(black/white) within 30 seconds.
- Define Chess type: BLACK, WHITE.
- Cursor
- Using fantastic pixel tool http://www.piskelapp.com/ to create cursor image within 1 minute.
- Move cursor to board center at first.
- Detect two players' inputs and then move cursor on the board.
- Make some change on config in Unity InputManger settings.
- Board
- a N * N two dimensional array, each element is a GameObject.
- Draw grid at first.
- Write CheckWinner Algorithm.
- Make sure after player placing a chess, move cursor to another empty cell.
- Competetion
- Switch player after one placing a chess.
- Determine game state(running/end).
- Show winner if game's ended.
- Toaster
- Restart a game if game is ended.