
Automatic import of products for Magento

Primary LanguagePHP

H&O Shell Import

With this module it is very easy to run a profile through the shell. This method is meant to be used to automate the Dataflow profiles. This module doesn't work with the new ImportExport module.


  • It is build om Magento, so you should have a working Magento installation ;)
  • The script is ran through the shell, so that means that you should have shell access.
  • Make sure you are allowed to access the shell through php and can run PHP there. We use shell_exec to import a batch (with the normal browser import, that is done using AJAX).

Usage example:

cd /path/to/magento/shell/
php import.php -action exec -profile 1234

You can find the ID for the profiles:

  • Admin Panel > Import/Export > Dataflow - Profiles
  • Admin Panel > Import/Export > Dataflow - Advanced Profiles

Example automatic import script that is called by a regular cron:

# Path to shell directory so we have a good starting point.
SHELLDIR=`echo $0 | sed 's/import\.sh//g'`

echo Extract csv from the archive...
unzip "$SHELLDIR"../media/archive.zip -d "$SHELLDIR"../var/import/files
mv "$SHELLDIR"../var/import/files/IMPORT.CSV "$SHELLDIR"../var/import/import.csv
rm -rf "$SHELLDIR"../var/import/files

echo Change index mode to Manual Update...
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual catalog_product_attribute
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual catalog_product_price
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual catalogsearch_fulltext
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual cataloginventory_stock
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual catalog_url
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual catalog_product_flat
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual catalog_category_flat
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-manual catalog_category_product

echo Empty cache directory...
rm -rf "$SHELLDIR"../var/cache/

echo Importing...
php "$SHELLDIR"import.php -action exec -profile 9

echo Reindexing...
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php -reindexall

echo Change index mode to Update on Save...
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime catalog_product_attribute
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime catalog_product_price
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime catalogsearch_fulltext
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime cataloginventory_stock
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime catalog_url
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime catalog_product_flat
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime catalog_category_flat
php "$SHELLDIR"indexer.php --mode-realtime catalog_category_product

echo Empty cache directory...
rm -rf "$SHELLDIR"../var/cache/

echo Done

Help, I'm having a problem!

  1. Does the script work in the browser? No? It is a problem in the import, you should fix that first.
  2. Does your server has the right amount of memory available and has access to the shell_exec method?
  3. Take a look at the previous issues: https://github.com/ho-nl/Ho_ShellImport/issues?page=1&state=closed
  4. If that doesn't help, create an issue yourself