
Pumpkin is a WordPress Starter Theme with a specific workflow, built on top of ACF PRO plugin which enables you to build component based custom themes. Powered by Webpack build script

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Pumpkin is a WordPress Starter Theme with a specific workflow, built on top of ACF PRO plugin which enables you to build component based custom themes. Powered by Webpack build script


  • Component base theme organization
  • Component based code splitting
  • Inline critical CSS
  • Improved accessibility
  • Theme wrapper
  • Built in sidebar manager
  • Predefined Theme Options (Further extendable with ACF PRO)
  • PSR-4 Autoloader
  • Composer for PHP dependencies
  • SoberWP models for creating custom post types

WP Mods

  • WordPress clean up
  • Custom login screen
  • Custom 404 page
  • Cached nav menus


  • Yarn package management
  • Webpack build script
  • ES6 + Babel
  • SCSS
  • Assets versioning
  • Browsersync
  • SVG Spritemap


  • Bitbucket pipeline for deploying theme over FTP/SFTP

Install instructions

  1. Clone repository
    git clone git@github.com:code-soup/pumpkin.git .

  2. Start fresh
    rm -rf .git
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -am 'init'

  3. Create .env file and add your ACF PRO key

  4. Install PHP dependencies
    composer install

  5. Install node packages

  6. Rename
    /src/config-local-example.json to config-local.json
    and update paths to your local environment