upkg is a universal package manager for Linux (a wrapper for the command line)
- Goal: Same syntax for most frequent tasks on all flavors of Linux
- Name: upkg (or rosetta or better idea? --> I plan to ask for the name at install, why not?).
This is a package manager wrapper, or say a proxy: This is just a script, voluntarily kept simple to that you can check what it does in 1 minute.
Supports: dnf, yum, zypper, apt-get, pacman, emerge, tazpkg, xbps, pkg_add, brew (mostly untested, this is alpha version) So all flavors of: Arch, Red Hat/Fedora, Debian/Ubuntu, SLES/openSUSE, Gentoo/calculate, Slitaz, Void linux, openBSD, MacOS
Same syntax for a package manager whatever the distribution:
Usage: upkg <command> [arguments]
where command is:
Install a package(s) by name
Remove a package(s) by name
Search for package(s) by name
Update local catalog then Upgrade Packages ->
Upgrades installed packages which have a newer version
locate FILE
Find the package which provides FILE
Print information about a package
List the files installed with a package
Gives the version number of a package(s) by name
It is like a new generic package manager, which will proxy command line to the underlying system package manager (rpm, yum, apt, pacman, you name it). Said differently: an "alias script" for package managers, a "proxy script" for package managers
Note: the final installed script is named upkg-XXX where XXX is your distro. You can check the file in this repo, or directly download it to avoid the installer
For Linux Users
- Use the single line installer command line below (Debian has wget, Red Hat has curl by default)
- cut and paste in a terminal (you will be asked for sudo):
Shortened URL(uses a proxy):
bash <(curl -sLk https://inducido.com/upkg/install)
curl -sLk http://bit.do/upkg | sh
Longer (but directly to the repo):
wget --quiet --no-check-certificate -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Inducido/package-manager-rosetta-stone/master/install.sh | bash
curl -sk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Inducido/package-manager-rosetta-stone/master/install.sh | bash
For Windows Users
- Format your disk & install Linux
- proceed to the previous section
Install curl on Void Linux:
sudo xbps-install -Su
sudo xbps-install -S curl
The famous Arch Linux's Pacman Rosetta gave me the idea for this tool. I wrote it several years later. Above all: that weird syntax for basic commands on Arch Linux (pacman) mainly motivated me
see here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Rosetta
rpm | yum | debian | arch |
rpm -i foo.rpm |
dpkg -i foo.deb |
pacman -U foo.pkg.tar.xz |
yum install foo |
apt-get install foo |
pacman -S |
rpm -e foo |
yum remove foo |
dpkg -P foo |
pacman -R foo |
rpm -qip foo.rpm |
dpkg -I foo.deb |
pacman -Qi -p foo.pkg.tar.xz |
yum info foo |
apt-cache show foo |
pacman -Si foo |
rpm -qlp foo.rpm |
dpkg -c foo.deb |
pacman -Ql -p foo.pkg.tar.xz |
rpm -ql foo |
dpkg -L foo |
pacman -Ql foo |
rpm -qi foo |
dpkg -p foo, dpkg -s foo |
pacman -Qi foo |
rpm -q --show-scripts foo |
dpkg-query --control-list foo | xargs -n 1 dpkg-query --control-show foo |
rpm -qa |
yum list installed |
dpkg-query -W, dpkg --list |
pacman -Q |
rpm -qf /bin/bash |
yum whatprovides /bin/bash |
dpkg -S /bin/bash |
pacman -Qo /bin/bash |
yum search foo |
apt-cache search foo |
pacman -Ss foo |
yum list available |
apt-cache dumpavail |
pacman -Sl |
rpm2cpio bash.rpm | cpio -diu |
dpkg -x bash.deb $PWD |
tar -xzf bash.pkg.tar.xz |
Other sources:
- http://cupcakecarnival.net/2009/02/17/debian-equivalent-rpm-based-system-commands
- http://wiki.debian.org/RPM
- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora
- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Rosetta_(简体中文)
- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Rosetta
see https://github.com/Inducido/upkg-package-manager-rosetta-stone/blob/master/os_test_coverage.md