
Use Ansible to install and configure software on a laptop running Ubuntu.

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Use Ansible to install and configure software on a laptop running Ubuntu.

Quick Start

Install Ansible

Instructions from the official Ansible docs for installing on Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible

Clone this Repo

git clone git@github.com:nihiliad/ansible-ubuntu-laptop.git


cd ansible-ubuntu-laptop
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass local.yml

Testing with GNOME Boxes

Host OS

Install Boxes

apt install gnome-boxes

Create a new vritual machine

Run Boxes and create a new virtual machine, probably by choosing "Operating System Image File" under "Select an OS Source", to use a previously downloaded ISO file. Accept the defaults (but maybe increase the memory), then Boxes will start a new virtual machine, running the installer for the Guest OS.

Guest OS

Install the guest OS

Follow the prompts in the installer.

Waring! Do not encrypt the drive for the host OS! This has made several virtual machines, including Pop!_OS 20.04 and 21.10, impossible to shut down and restart with Boxes.

Share this repo folder in the guest OS

Open Files (Nautilus), and select "+ Other Locations". Under "Networks", there should be no "Spice client folder":

Files (Nautilus) before folder sharing

Install packages to allow running the code in this repo via a shared folder, then reboot:

sudo apt install spice-vdagent spice-webdavd
sudo shutdown -r now

Again open Files (Nautilus), and select "+ Other Locations". Under "Networks", now there should be a "Spice client folder":

Files (Nautilus) after installing SPICE tools

In the Boxes menu, go to the "Properties" for this virtual machine, and select the "Devices & Shares" tab. Under "Folder Shares", click "+" to add a new share. In the form that pops up, navigate to this "Local Folder" on the host OS, click "Open", give the folder a "Name" on the guest OS, then click "Save".

Back in Files, click "Spice client folder". Another "Spice client folder" item should appear above it, with a file folder icon next to it:

Files (Nautilus) after sharing

Click on the new item, which should display a folder icon with the name that you assigned to the shared folder on the guest OS. Right click on that folder, and choose "Open in Terminal". That should open a Terminal window for this repository's folder. The parent path should be something like:


Install credentials for GitHub

Copy credentials, probably public-private keys, for GitHub, from the host OS to the guest OS.

Remove the shared folder

The shared folder seems to cause Boxes to slow way down and eventually lock up. Remove it as soon as possible after GitHub credentials are installed.

Test this code!

Follow the Quick Start procedure in the guest OS, and do all work there. Helps to take snapshots of intermediate states, test, restore, and iterate. Note that Boxes doesn't seem to allow naming snapshots until after they are created.