SDET Interview Preparation

Mobile app url:

Hello everybody learning to become an SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test or Software Design Engineer in Test). My name is Sobir and I welcome you to my project!

This is a web based application which will help you to practice interview questions as an individual or in a group play. As of right now it's in a very raw state. Currently it's best played from phone. Desktop version will be developed later. If you follow along you will see how new modules will be added. Please check out Project section to see Kanban board.

I'm using Agile Kanban methodology in this project, so I'm open to your precious feedback regarding existing or future functionalities. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions, concerns in Discussion section of this repository. I will respond to your ASAP.

The idea and creation belongs to Steph G. and Daniel V. In collaborative help from Dasha, Liv and Tayfun they created Java + Selenium based application "The_Interview_Ninja_Game". Please check out their repository here. They are planning to create a web based or desctop based application later. I'm so excited to join them and collaborate. Wish us good luck! lol

I've picked up their open source idea and now working on my own web based version of application and whant to add more features. As this is an open source platform anybody welcome to clone it or fork it and add/tweak your own version, enjoy! I also welcome any volontiers to collaborate with me. Please leave your intentions in Discussion section of this repository.