
An e-commerce web application to buy the best books.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OpenBook : An E-commerce web application to purchase books.


Install and Run Locally

$ git clone https://github.com/sobitp59/openbook-ecommmerce.git
$ cd openbook-ecommmerce
$ yarn install
$ yarn start


  • landing page with featured categories
  • product listing page
  • filter and sort products functionalities
  • search product functionality
  • individual product page
  • cart management
  • wishlist management
  • address management
  • order management
  • checkout page
  • payment gateway integration with razorpay
  • authentication:
    • user signup
    • User login
    • user logout
  • error page
  • toast and loaders
  • mobile responsive

Tech Stack Used

  • React JS
  • React Context API + useReducer
  • React Router v6
  • Vanilla CSS
  • React Icons
  • Razorpay payment gateway
  • mockBee for backend
  • React Hot Toast