

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


小程序工具箱(大写数字,跑马灯,条码生成扫描等) 小程序工具箱. 包含: 简单计算器 大写数字(输入金额,显示货币大写) 跑马灯演示; 条码/二维码 扫码及生成器; 进制转换(2,8,16进制间互转); ASCLL码,16进制,字符直接互转 网络状态信息 发票抬头


20190423 MyCalculate new app,calculation 20190218 MyInvoice delete function 20190202 MyInvoice invoice app done 20190122 MyCapitalnumber add functions: Vibrate&Ringtone 20190110 MyInvoice new app,invoice management 20181212 MyNetstat new app,check network connection 20181128 MyConvertor new function:MyAscll 20181121 App add GDTads 20181120 App add SyncEventListener 20181119 MyLedMonitor create maqueedisplay 20181113 MyCapitalnumber encapsulate audioutils to utils4a.aar 20181112 MyCapitalnumber new app,and using audioutils 20181008 MyBarcode using zxing@git to do barcode/qrcode scan & generate 20180928 MyBarcode using zxinglib to do barcode/qrcode scan & generate 20180927 MyConvertor using gridview in main activity 20180926 MyConvertor