"# dvc-ML-demo-AIOps"

Reference repo:


wokflow -



STEP 01: Create a empty remote repository

STEP 02: intialize a git local repository and connect to remote repository

  • open and project folder in VS code then follow below command -
echo "# dvc-ML-demo-AIOps" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/USER_NAME/REPO_NAME.git
git push -u origin main
touch .gitignore

content of the gitignore can be found from reference repository

create a empty git repository

STEP 03: create and activate conda environment

conda create -p ./myenv python==3.10
conda activate ./myenv

STEP 03_1: create the basic directory structure

mkdir -p src/utils
touch src/__init__.py
touch src/utils/__init__.py
touch params.yaml dvc.yaml
mkdir config

STEP 04: create a setup file

touch setup.py

paste the below content in the setup.py file and make the necessary changes as per your user ID-

from setuptools import setup

with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    long_description = f.read()

    description="A small package for dvc ml pipeline demo",

STEP 05: create requirement file and install dependencies

touch .gitignore
touch requirements.txt
        #local packages -
        -e .
 pip install -r requirements.txt

STEP 06: initialize dvc

dvc init

STEP 07: create the config file

touch config/config.yml

content of config.yml -

data_source: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/wine-quality/winequality-red.csv

  artifacts_dir: artifacts
  raw_local_dir: raw_local_dir
  raw_local_file: data.csv

STEP 08: create the stage 01 python file and all_utils file:

touch src/stage_01_load_save.py src/utils/all_utils.py

content of both these files can be refererd from the corresponding folder

STEP 09: create the dvc.yaml file and add the stage 01:

touch dvc.yaml

content of dvc.yaml file -

    cmd: python src/stage_01_load_save.py --config=config/config.yaml
      - src/stage_01_load_save.py
      - src/utils/all_utils.py
      - config/config.yaml
      - artifacts/raw_local_dir/data.csv

STEP 11: run the dvc repro command

dvc repro

STEP 12: push the changes to remote repository

git add .
git commit -m "stage 01 added"
git push origin main

Step 13: For Data Versioning using DVC

13.1- Add your CSV file to DVC

dvc add data.csv

This command will: • Move data.csv to the .dvc directory. • Create a .dvc file (data.csv.dvc) that contains the tracking information for your data file.

13.2- Commit the changes:

Commit the changes to Git, including the DVC file and the .gitignore updates.

git add data.csv.dvc .gitignore
git commit -m "Add data.csv to DVC"

13.3- Store the data remotely:

To ensure that your data is backed up and can be retrieved later, configure a remote storage (this could be S3, Google Drive, SSH, etc.). Here’s an example using an S3 bucket:

dvc remote add -d myremote s3://mybucket/path


If u want to setup a local DVC remote

You can specify a directory in your project to act as the local remote storage. Let's say you want to use a directory named .dvcstore within your project folder

dvc remote add -d localremote .dvcstore

13.4- Push the data to the local remote:

dvc push

13.5- Making and tracking changes:

When you make changes to data.csv, you need to re-add it to DVC and commit the changes.

dvc add data.csv
git add data.csv.dvc
git commit -m "Update data.csv with new changes"
dvc push

13.6- Retrieving previous versions:

If you want to go back to a previous version of your data, you can use Git to checkout the corresponding commit and then use DVC to retrieve the data file.

git log # Find the commit hash you want to revert to
git checkout <commit-hash>
dvc checkout