
Bike route data on OpenStreetMap for LA County is sporadic and seems to be based on varying standards. Import current County and City datasets and update existing information.


Bike route data on OpenStreetMap for LA County is sporadic and seems to be based on varying standards. Import current County and City datasets and update existing information.

Class Tags / Terminology


| OSM Relation | Description | Notes | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | ICN | International Cycling Network | None in the LA area. | | NCN | National Cycling Network | USBR 66 is already tagged on OSM, but is only currently a proposed route, so this needs to be retagged as ncn=proposed. | | RCN | Regional Cycling Network | California doesn't seem to have any recognized state routes. | | LCN | Local [Named/Numbered] Cycling Network|The named bike paths listed on Wikipedia, ensuring that the names used match the signage (for example, the new Expo line path is signed as "Expo Bike Path" rather than "Expo Bikeway"). Also include Bicycle Friendly Streets. | | (none) | Unnamed Bike Routes | Any other bike routes shouldn't be marked with relations. |

Object Tags

OSM Tag LA Metro Tag LA City Tag Notes
highway=cycleway Class I Bike Path Separated bike path. Should normally have relation.
highway=cycleway Class II Cycletrack Parking-protected bike lane
highway=*, cycleway=lane Class II Bike Lane Painted lane on side of road.
highway=*, cycleway=shared_lane Class III Bicycle Friendly Street Yucca Street and Michigan Greenway in Santa Monica? Should also have relation.
highway=*, cycleway=shared_lane Class III Sharrowed Bike Route Sharrows on road. Typically no relation.
highway=*, bicycle=designated Class III Bike Route Signs alongside road.


Data sources to investigate:

Information about LA region bike routes:

Information about bike routes in OSM: