
Use L.A. County Assessor data to jump to a parcel with a pool and ask for it to be traced. https://data.lacounty.gov/Parcel-/Assessor-Parcels-Data-2015/hvzm-fn38



Use L.A. County Assessor data to jump to a parcel with a pool and ask for it to be traced. https://data.lacounty.gov/Parcel-/Assessor-Parcels-Data-2015/hvzm-fn38

Ken Schwencke analyzed this data set. He found there were more than 250,000 pools. Ninety-six percent of them are behind single-family homes.

We've started doing a few of these as test in between building uploads. Likely none of this will be "official" until the MapRoulette project moves out of beta.

Possible steps

After MapRoulette gets out of beta, we could:

  1. Create a large point file of the "CENTER_LON" and "CENTER_LAT" fields in the L.A. County parcel 2015 file for anything "SpecificUseDetail2" = 'Pool'
  2. Split those pool points by neighborhood
  3. Create MapRoulette challenges by neighborhood.