This repository contains the code and article for 'A straightforward method for evaluating performance of machine learning models for classification'
Imagine you have created an algorithm which assigns a score to a photograph based on how likely it is to contain a cat. I propose the following steps to test performance of your model. First, you should set a threshold score such that when the algorithm is shown two randomly-chosen images --- one that has a score greater than the threshold (i.e. a picture labelled as containing a cat) and another from those pictures that really does contain a cat--- the probability that the image with the highest score is the one chosen from the set of real cat images is 50%. This method thus sets a decision threshold, so that the set of positively labelled images are indistinguishable from the set of images which are positive. Once this threshold is established, as a second step, we measure performance by asking how often a randomly chosen picture from those labelled as containing a cat actually contains a cat. This measure is generally known as the precision, but we evaluate it specifically for the threshold chosen at the first step. The result is a single number measuring the performance of the algorithm. I explain, using an example, why this method avoids pitfalls inherent to, for example AUC, and is better motivated than, for example, the F1-score.
![](Article/Figures/Find Cats.png) is the example from figure 1. creates the rest of the figures from the article. They are output in Article/Figures/
The article is provided in this directory in latex, along with the Figures