
ChIP-seq pipeline

Primary LanguageShell

ChIP-Seq pipeline

Version 0.7.2

Differential Peak Reference


  • Example run command:
bsub -o LSF.CTRL/ ./ChIP-seq/pipe.sh \
    --pairing-file results/Proj_10706_B_sample_pairing.txt \

The pairing file should be

Col-1 Col-2

You need to use a pairing file. If the samples are TARGET only (no control) then use 'na' for control:

Col-1 Col-2
na TRGT_1
na TRGT_2

Version which uses both reads from PE-runs. Using methods from R.K. for bigWig generation. Added option to allow the use of non-proper paired reads for cases where translocations important.

Try to match ENCODE 3 (https://github.com/soccin/ChIP-seq) as closely as possible

  • Post-alignment filtering: Get from ENCODE 3

    • Code for filter_qc.py
    • samtools view -q 30 -f 2 -F 1804 -f 2
      • MAPQ<30
      • Proper Pair (can be turned off)
      • exclude: unmapped, mate unmapped, secondary align, failing QC, Duplicate
    • Also keep only the main chromosomes [1-(19|22),X,Y]; exclude MT, and the rest of the build, decoys, viral, ...
  • BigWig file generation.

    • convert bam to bed
    • compute density for bigwig formation
      • normalizing to 10 million mapped reads