
First external C++ release, February 1985

Primary LanguageC

// 1985 Feb 08 14:11
# %Z% %M% %I% %H% %T%
To build and install your C++ compiler:
1)	Dump the tape (using "cpio -icd") to a convenient directory (like "/home/directory/C++").
	No doubt this has already been done.
2)	Edit the file localCC.
	Change the ROOT variable to /home/directory/C++.
3)	cd to the directory and issue
		"make ROOT=/home/directory/C++ from scratch"
	This will make everything from scratch and install the executables, libraries and include files locally (i.e., under /home/directory/C++).
	Issue a
		"make clean".
4)	Issue (from /home/directory/C++)
		"make CC=/home/directory/C++/usr/lbin/CC install"
	This will install the executables, libraries and include files in the standard places:
5)	To save space, issue a
		"make clean".