- Understand C syntax.
- ... C concepts.
- Apply the above to create a new application.
- C
- Struct
- Pointer
- File In/Out
- Struct Pointer
- etc
- C (High-level language)
- It is a procedural language.
- You can access, control, and control the hardware of your system.
hello.c -> hello.i -> hello.s -> hello.o -> hello.exe
- The user writes the source code. (.c)
- The source code is preprocessed. (.i)
- The source code is compiled into an object file. (.s)
- The compiled assembly code is assembled into the machine language by the assembler. (.o)
- Links the object files and the standard C and user libraries used in your program. (.exe)
2016.03.01. ~ 2017.09.30. C.