
C Practice

Primary LanguageC

C Practice

Practice for my growth


  1. Understand C syntax.
  2. ... C concepts.
  3. Apply the above to create a new application.

Technical Stack

  • C
  • Struct
  • Pointer
  • File In/Out
  • Struct Pointer
  • etc



  • C (High-level language)
  • It is a procedural language.
  • You can access, control, and control the hardware of your system.


hello.c -> hello.i -> hello.s -> hello.o -> hello.exe

  1. The user writes the source code. (.c)
  2. The source code is preprocessed. (.i)
  3. The source code is compiled into an object file. (.s)
  4. The compiled assembly code is assembled into the machine language by the assembler. (.o)
  5. Links the object files and the standard C and user libraries used in your program. (.exe)


2016.03.01. ~ 2017.09.30. C.