
Build and handle Relay-like GraphQL connections using a Knex query builder

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GraphQL-Connections 💠


Install by referencing the github location and the release number:

npm install --save graphql-connections#v2.2.0


GraphQL-Connections helps handle the traversal of edges between nodes.

In a graph, nodes connect to other nodes via edges. In the relay graphql spec, multiple edges can be represented as a single Connection type, which has the signature:

type Connection {
  pageInfo: {
    hasNextPage: string
    hasPreviousPage: string
    startCursor: string
    endCursor: string
  edges:  Array<{cursor: string; node: Node}>

A connection object is returned to a user when a query request asks for multiple child nodes connected to a parent node. For example, a music artist has multiple songs. In order to get all the songs for an artist you would write the graphql query request:

query {
    artist(id: 1) {
        songs {

However, sometimes you may only want a portion of the songs returned to you. To allow for this scenario, a connection is used to represent the response type of a song.

query {
    artist(id: 1) {
        songs {
            pageInfo {
            edges {
                node {

You can use the cursors (startCursor, endCursor, or cursor) to get the next set of edges.

query {
  artist(id: 1) {
    songs(next: 10, after: <endCursor>) {
      pageInfo {
      edges {
        node {

The above logic is controlled by the connectionManager. It can be added to a resolver to:

  1. Create a cursor for paging through a node's edges
  2. Handle movement through a node's edges using an existing cursor.
  3. Support multiple input types that can sort, group, limit, and filter the edges in a connection

Run locally

  1. Run the migrations
    • NODE_ENV=development npm run migrate:sqlite:latest
    • NODE_ENV=development npm run migrate:mysql:latest
  2. Seed the database
    • NODE_ENV=development npm run seed:sqlite:run
    • NODE_ENV=development npm run seed:mysql:run
  3. Run the dev server
    • npm run dev:sqlite (search is not supported)
    • npm run dev:mysql (search IS supported :))
  4. Visit the GraphQL playground http://localhost:4000/graphql
  5. Run some queries!
query {
        first: 100
        orderBy: "haircolor"
        filter: {
            and: [
                {field: "id", operator: ">", value: "19990"}
                {field: "age", operator: "<", value: "90"}
        search: "random search term"
    ) {
        pageInfo {
        edges {
            node {
query {
    users(first: 10, after: "eyJmaXJzdFJlc3VsdElkIjoxOTk5MiwibGFzdFJlc3VsdE") {
        pageInfo {
        edges {
            node {

How to use - Schema

1. Add input scalars to schema

Add the input scalars (First, Last, OrderBy, OrderDir, Before, After, Filter, Search) to your GQL schema.

At the very least you should add Before, After and First, Last because they allow you to move along the connection with a cursor.

type Query {
        first: First
        last: Last
        orderBy: OrderBy
        orderDir: OrderDir
        before: Before
        after: After
        filter: Filter
        search: Search
    ): QueryUsersConnection

2. Add typeDefs to your schema


scalar: First
scalar: Last
scalar: OrderBy
scalar: OrderDir
scalar: Before
scalar: After
scalar: Filter
scalar: Search

type Query {
      first: First
      last: Last
      orderBy: OrderBy
      orderDir: OrderDir
      before: Before
      after: After
      filter: Filter
      search: Search
  ): QueryUsersConnection

String interpolation

import {typeDefs} from 'graphql-connections'

const schema = `
  type Query {
        first: First
        last: Last
        orderBy: OrderBy
        orderDir: OrderDir
        before: Before
        after: After
        filter: Filter
        search: Search
    ): QueryUsersConnection

During configuration

import {typeDefs as connectionTypeDefs} from 'graphql-connections'

    const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
        typeDefs: `${typeDefs} ${connectionTypeDefs}`

3. Add resolvers

In the resolver object

import {resolvers as connectionResolvers} from 'graphql-connections'

const resolvers = {

  Query: {
    users: {

During configuration

import {resolvers as connectionResolvers} from 'graphql-connections'

    const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
        resolvers: {...resolvers, ...connectionResolvers}

How to use - Resolvers

Short Tutorial

In short, this is what a resolver using the connectionManager will look like:

// import the manager and relevant types
import {ConnectionManager, INode} from 'graphql-connections';

const resolver = async (obj, inputArgs) => {
    // create a new node connection instance
    const nodeConnection = new ConnectionManager<INode>(inputArgs, attributeMap);

    // apply the connection to the queryBuilder
    const appliedQuery = nodeConnection.createQuery(queryBuilder.clone());

    // run the query
    const result = await appliedQuery.select();

    // add the result to the nodeConnection

    // return the relevant connection information from the resolver
    return {
        pageInfo: nodeConnection.pageInfo,
        edges: nodeConnection.edges


// the type of each returned node
interface INode {
  [nodeField: string]: any

// input types to control the edges returned
interface IInputArgs {
  before?: string;
  after?: string;
  first?: number;
  last?: number;
  orderBy?: string;
  orderDir?: keyof typeof ORDER_DIRECTION;
  filter?: IInputFilter;

// map of node field to sql column name
interface IInAttributeMap {
  [nodeField: string]: string;

// the nodeConnection class type
interface INodeConnection {
  createQuery: (KnexQueryBuilder) => KnexQueryBuilder
  addResult: (KnexQueryResult) => void
  pageInfo?: IPageInfo
  edges?: IEdge[]

interface IPageInfo: {
  hasNextPage: string
  hasPreviousPage: string
  startCursor: string
  endCursor: string

interface IEdge {
  cursor: string;
  node: INode

All types can be found in src/types.ts

Detailed Tutorial

A nodeConnection is used to handle connections.

To use a nodeConnection you will have to:

  1. initialize the nodeConnection
  2. build the connection query
  3. build the connection from the executed query

1. Initialize the nodeConnection

To correctly initialize, you will need to supply a Node type, the inputArgs args, and an attributeMap map:

A. set the Node type

The nodes that are part of a connection need a type. The returned edges will contain nodes of this type.

For example, in this case we create an IUserNode

interface IUserNode extends INode {
    id: number;
    createdAt: string;
B. add inputArgs

InputArgs supports before, after, first, last, orderBy, orderDir, and filter:

interface IInputArgs {
    before?: string; // cursor
    after?: string; // cursor
    first?: number; // page size
    last?: number; // page size
    orderBy?: string; // order by a node field
    orderDir: 'asc' | 'desc';
    filter?: IOperationFilter;

interface IFilter {
    value: string;
    operator: string;
    field: string; // node field

interface IOperationFilter {
    and?: Array<IOperationFilter & IFilter>;
    or?: Array<IOperationFilter & IFilter>;
    not?: Array<IOperationFilter & IFilter>;

Note: The default filter operators are the normal SQL comparison operators: >, <, =, >=, <=, and <>

An example query with a filter could look like:

query {
        filter: {
            or: [
                {field: "age", operator: "=", value: "40"}
                {field: "age", operator: "<", value: "30"}
                    and: [
                        {field: "haircolor", operator: "=", value: "blue"}
                        {field: "age", operator: "=", value: "70"}
                            or: [
                                {field: "username", operator: "=", value: "Ellie86"}
                                {field: "username", operator: "=", value: "Euna_Oberbrunner"}
    ) {
        pageInfo {
        edges {
            node {

This would yield a sql query equivalent to:

    FROM `mock`
   WHERE `age` = '40' OR `age` < '30' OR (`haircolor` = 'blue' AND `age` = '70' AND (`username` = 'Ellie86' OR `username` = 'Euna_Oberbrunner'))
   LIMIT 1001
C. specify an attributeMap

attributeMap is a map of GraphQL field names to SQL column names

Only fields defined in the attribute map can be orderBy or filtered on. An error will be thrown if you try to filter on fields that don't exist in the map.


const attributeMap = {
    id: 'id',
    createdAt: 'created_at'

2. build the query

// import the manager and relevant types
import {ConnectionManager, INode} from 'graphql-connections';

const resolver = async (obj, inputArgs) => {
    // create a new node connection instance
    const nodeConnection = new ConnectionManager<
    >(inputArgs, attributeMap);

    // apply the connection to the queryBuilder
    const appliedQuery = nodeConnection.createQuery(queryBuilder.clone());


3. execute the query and build the connection

A connection type has the signature:

type Connection {
  pageInfo: {
    hasNextPage: string
    hasPreviousPage: string
    startCursor: string
    endCursor: string
  edges:  Array<{cursor: string; node: Node}>

This type is constructed by taking the result of executing the query and adding it to the connectionManager instance via the addResult method.

// import the manager and relevant types
import {ConnectionManager, INode} from 'graphql-connections';

const resolver = async (obj, inputArgs) => {

    // run the query
    const result = await appliedQuery

    // add the result to the nodeConnection

    // return the relevant connection information from the resolver
    return {
        pageInfo: nodeConnection.pageInfo,
        edges: nodeConnection.edges


You can supply options to the ConnectionManager via the third parameter. Options are used to customize the QueryContext, the QueryBuilder, and the QueryResult classes.

    const options = {
      contextOptions: { ... }
      resultOptions: { ... }
      builderOptions: { ... }
    const nodeConnection = new ConnectionManager(inputArgs, attributeMap, options);

Currently, the options are:



The default limit (page size) if none is specified in the page input params

interface ICursorEncoder<CursorObj> {
    encodeToCursor: (cursorObj: CursorObj) => string;
    decodeFromCursor: (cursor: string) => CursorObj;

builderOptions - common

type filterTransformer = (filter: IFilter) => IFilter;

The filter transformer will will be called on every filter { field: string, operator: string, value: string}

It can be used to transform a filter before being applied to the query. This is useful if you want to transform say UnixTimestamps to DateTime format, etc...

See the filter transformation section for more details.

interface IFilterMap {
    [operator: string]: string;

The filter operators that can be specified in the filter input params.

If no map is specified, the default one is used:

const defaultFilterMap = {
    '>': '>',
    '>=': '>=',
    '=': '=',
    '<': '<',
    '<=': '<=',
    '<>': '<>'

builderOptions - MySQL specific


Used with full text Search input. It is an array of column names that will be used in the full text search sql expression MATCH (col1,col2,...) AGAINST (expr [search_modifier])

searchColumns: string[]

Used with full text Search input. It is an array of column names that will be used in the full text search sql expression MATCH (col1,col2,...) AGAINST (expr [search_modifier])

searchColumns: string;

The values will likely be one of:



type NodeTransformer<Node> = (node: any) => Node;

A function that is will be called during the creation of each node. This can be used to map the query result to a Node type that matches the graphql Node for the resolver.

interface ICursorEncoder<CursorObj> {
    encodeToCursor: (cursorObj: CursorObj) => string;
    decodeFromCursor: (cursor: string) => CursorObj;


To extend the connection to a new datastore or to use an adapter besides Knex, you will need to create a new QueryBuilder. See src/KnexQueryBuilder for an example of what a query builder looks like. It should have the type signature:

interface IQueryBuilder<Builder> {
    createQuery: (queryBuilder: Builder) => Builder;


Internally, the ConnectionManager manages the orchestration of the QueryContext, QueryBuilder, and QueryResult.

The orchestration follows the steps:

  1. The QueryContext extracts the connection attributes from the input connection arguments.
  2. The QueryBuilder (or KnexQueryBuilder in the default case) consumes the connection attributes and builds a query. The query is submitted to the database by the user and the result is sent to the QueryResult.
  3. The QueryResult uses the result to build the edges (which contain a cursor and node) and extract the page info.

This can be visualized as such:

Image of Architecture


Search inputs are provided for executing full text search query strings against a datastore. At the moment only MySQL support exists. Using filters may slow down the query.

An example resolver might look like:

const attributeMap = {
    id: 'id',
    username: 'username',
    firstname: 'firstname',
    age: 'age',
    haircolor: 'haircolor',
    lastname: 'lastname',
    bio: 'bio'

const builderOptions = {
    searchColumns: ['username', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'bio', 'haircolor'],
    searchModifier: 'IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE'
const nodeConnection = new ConnectionManager<IUserNode>(inputArgs, attributeMap, {

const query = nodeConnection.createQuery(queryBuilder.clone()).select();
const result = (await query) as KnexQueryResult;


return {
    pageInfo: nodeConnection.pageInfo,
    edges: nodeConnection.edges

Filtering on computed columns

Sometimes you may compute a field that depends on some other table than the one being paged over. In this case, you can use a derived table as your from and alias it to the primary table. In the following example we create a derived alias of "segment", the table we are paging over, to allow filtering and sorting on "popularity", a field computed on the aggregation of values from another table.

import {Resolver} from 'types/resolver';
import {ISegmentNode} from 'types/graphql';
import {segment as segmentTransformer} from 'transformers/sql_to_graphql';
import {IQueryResult, IInputArgs, ConnectionManager} from 'graphql-connections';

const attributeMap = {
    createdAt: 'created_at',
    updatedAt: 'updated_at',
    name: 'name',
    explorer: 'explorer_id',
    popularity: 'popularity'

const segments: Resolver<Promise<IQueryResult<ISegmentNode>>, undefined, IInputArgs> = async (
    input: IInputArgs,
) => {
    const {connection} = ctx.clients.sqlClient;

    const queryBuilder = connection.queryBuilder().from(
                coalesce(sum(user_segment.usage_count), 0) as popularity
            from segment
                     left join user_segment on user_segment.segment_id = segment.id
            group by
        ) as segment`

    const nodeConnection = new ConnectionManager<ISegmentNode>(input, attributeMap, {
        builderOptions: {
            filterTransformer(filter) {
                if (filter.field === 'popularity') {
                    return {
                        field: 'popularity',
                        operator: filter.operator,
                        value: Number(filter.value) as any

                return filter;
        resultOptions: {
            nodeTransformer: segmentTransformer

    const query = nodeConnection.createQuery(queryBuilder).select('*');

    nodeConnection.addResult(await query);

    return {
        pageInfo: nodeConnection.pageInfo,
        edges: nodeConnection.edges

export default segments;

Filter Transformation

Sometimes you may have a completely different data type in a filter from what is actually in your database. At Social Native, for example, our graph exposes all timestamps as Unix Seconds, but in our databases, the timestamp type is used. In order to easily manage filter value transformation from seconds to sql timestamps, we use the filterTransformer option. In the following example, we use the library-provided FilterTransformers.castUnixSecondsFiltersToMysqlTimestamps which takes a list of field names that should be transformed from unix seconds to mysql timestamps, if they are present and not falsy.

import {FilterTransformers} from 'graphql-connections';

type SomeGraphQLNode = {
    createdAt: string | number;
    updatedAt: string | number;

const timestampFilterTransformer = FilterTransformers.castUnixSecondsFiltersToMysqlTimestamps<
>(['createdAt', 'updatedAt']);

const nodeConnection = new ConnectionManager<GqlActualDistribution | null>(input, inAttributeMap, {
    builderOptions: {
        filterTransformer: timestampFilterTransformer
    resultOptions: {nodeTransformer: sqlToGraphql.actualDistribution}

A compose function is also exposed to combine multiple transformers together. The following example composes a transformer on 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' with one on 'startedAt', 'completedAt', creating one that will cast if any of the four were given.

import {FilterTransformers} from 'graphql-connections';

const timestampFilterTransformer = FilterTransformers.castUnixSecondsFiltersToMysqlTimestamps([

const nodeConnection = new ConnectionManager<GqlActualDistribution | null>(input, inAttributeMap, {
    builderOptions: {
        filterTransformer: FilterTransformers.compose(
            FilterTransformers.castUnixSecondsFiltersToMysqlTimestamps(['startedAt', 'completedAt'])
    resultOptions: {nodeTransformer: sqlToGraphql.actualDistribution}

Filter Transformers provided by this library


castUnixSecondsFiltersToMysqlTimestamps takes four arguments

function castUnixSecondsFiltersToMysqlTimestamps<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(
    filterFieldsToCast: Array<keyof T>,
    timezone: DateTimeOptions['zone'] = 'UTC',
    includeOffset = false,
    includeZone = false
): FilterTransformer;

filterFieldsToCast refers to the keys in a graphql node being filtered upon that will be transformed from unix seconds to MySQL timestamps. timezone is the expected timezone of the input seconds. Default: UTC includeOffset dictates whether the timestamp offset will be included in the generated timestamp Default: false includeZone dictates whether the timestamp's timezone will be included in the generated timestamp Default: false