
Guidelines for interns


Guidelines for interns

I've seen many candidates/students applying for internship and I've noticed many things which are wrong in their application

  1. You must be clear with your goal. Don't apply for the internship which can't help in achieving your goal

Eg. I've seen people applying for internship in IT sector to improve their programming skills while they are preparing for non-it government sectors.

  1. Your skills must be relevant.

Eg. Never mention MS-office, powerpoint, physics, chemistry, math as your skills while you're applying for an internship related to programming. It'll not only make your application irrelevant but it'll lower down your other programming skills.

  1. Always mention public profile like Github Linkedin, Hackesrank, StackOverflow etc. which has your correct profile picture.

Eg. I've seen people keep their profile as a mystery or don't even mention in their application/resume. Linkedin profiles with no profile picture or unrelated picture would be rejected immediately.

  1. Don't mention Github account if there is no activity.

Eg. Many students mention their Github accounts, but neither there is any profile picture, nor any project.


  • Add the links for how to contribute in a repository on Github.
  • Add the links of websites, forums, communities who help intern developers for their initial contributions