
Compile your matomo metrics in a single static web interface


Compile your matomo metrics in a single static web interface

Demo : https://socialgouv.github.io/matomoboard

How it works

  • a scheduled github action fetch data from your matomo API every hour and store the result in GIT
  • a website is rendered from this data and published to the repo gh-pages branch to make it available at https://[USER].github.io/matomoboard


  • Click "Use this template" from the template repo to create your own GitHub repo

  • In your Github Repo settings:

    • Enable "Pages" on the gh-branch
    • Add MATOMO_URL and MATOMO_TOKEN in the secrets section
  • Run the Update data Github workflow from the repo Actions Tab to get the first render

💡 The MATOMO_TOKEN can be obtained from matomo Settings/Personal/Security panel.


Check the matomoboard-actions repo for the code;