
To evaluate Real-MedNLP (NTCIR-16) submissions

Primary LanguagePython

Real-MedNLP CR & RR Eval

The evaluation toolkit for one of the NTCIR-16's evaluation tasks, Real-MedNLP CR & RR tracks.


Please install dependencies listed in pyproject.toml by using Python package managers (e.g. poetry install).


This toolkit provides two functionalities: validate the XML format and calculate evaluation metrics.

Format validation

Use validate_format.py:

python validate_format.py --ref <reference XML file> --dtd <DTD file> path/to/your_submission.xml
  • --ref: path to the reference XML file (i.e. the test file without annotation: MedTxt-CR-JA_or_EN-Test.xml)
  • --dtd: path to the XML DTD file (MedTxt.dtd)

This script checks three points for the submission XML file:

  • XML syntax: whether it is valid as an XML file
  • XML scheme: whether it follows the given DTD file
  • Bare-text match: whether its plain text (tag-removed text) matches to the original test file

Metric calculation

Subtask 1, 2: NER

Use evaluate_ner.py:

python evaluate_ner.py --ref <test_addTag.xml> --tagset cr --attrib path/to/your_submission.xml

The script outputs Precision, Recall, F-score, and Support for each tag as well as micro/macro averaged scores thereof.

  • --ref: path to the reference XML file with annotated (MedTxt-CR-JA_or_EN-Test_addTag.xml)
  • --tagset: tagset to evaluate (all, cr, rr)
    • all: include all tags defined in PRISM annotation except <p>
    • cr: target "d", "a", "timex3", "t-test", "t-key", "t-val", "m-key", and "m-val"
    • rr: evaluate "d", "a", "timex3", and "t-test"
  • --attrib (--no-attrib): consider (or ignore) the attributes defined in some tags ("certainty", "state", "type")

To calculate the finer metrics, use finer_ner_eval.py:

python finer_ner_eval.py </dir/path/to/IOB> --resume False
  • The finer metrics include:
    • Partial match scores of Precision, Recall, and F1-score
    • Training frequency-based weighting to Precision, Recall, and F1-score
  • The script reads IOB files from the given directory and write the scores CSV file (all metrics of one system per line) to the current directory
    • IOB files can be converted from the submission XML format by using evaluate_ner.py's convert_xml_to_iob() function
  • --resume: some systems may generate errorneous IOB files. If you want to resume the evaluation from the last successful file, set this option to True.

Subtask 3: ADE

Use evaluate_ade.py:

python evaluate_ade.py --ref <test_answer.csv> path/to/your_submission.csv

The script outputs Precision, Recall, F-score, and Support for each ADEval (0--3) as well as micro/macro averaged scores thereof.

  • --ref: path to the test answer CSV (MedTxt-CR-JA_or_EN-ADE-test_answer-v2.csv)

Subtask 3: CI

Use evaluate_ci.py:

python evaluate_ci.py --ref <test_answer.csv> path/to/your_submission.csv

The script outputs Normalized Mutual Information score.

  • --ref: path to the test answer CSV (MedTxt-CR-JA_or_EN-CI-test_answer.csv)