
A photo gallery plugin for jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


"photoJS" (or pJS for short) is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating nice image galleries. It can load user supplied images, or from the Picasa Web Albums Data API.

Unlike many image gallery plugins, photoJS is very minimal. It simply downloads your images, and displays them in a grid. After that, it is up to you to use another plugin such as jQuery lightBox or something from jQuery UI to style, provide transitions, etc.

To see a live demo of photoJS, check out the site it was built for, SamWhited.com.

Using pJS

Using photoJS is as easy as calling $( selector ).pJS( settings[, complete] ). However, this won't do much (read, "anything"). To make photoJS really shine, we need to include some settings.

Let's assume we have a div on our page that we want to contain a gallery:

<div id="portfolio"></div>

To style it using photoJS we would include jQuery, then do something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
$( function() {
	$( '#portfolio' ).pJS({
		'api': 'picasa',
		'columns': 4,
		'id': '5629373182085820817',
		'user': 'samwhitedphotography'

or, in CoffeeScript:

$ ->
	$( '#portfolio' ).pJS
		api: 'picasa'
		columns: 4
		id: '5629373182085820817'
		user: 'samwhitedphotography'

Nice and easy -- but that's not all photoJS can do.


There are a lot of different ways you can configure photoJS, below is the default settings object, and some explanation where necessary:

settings = {
	api: 'none',			// Only supports 'picasa' or 'none' right now
	preload: 'all',			// 'thumbs,' 'images,' 'all,' or 'none.' Loads asynchronously.
	columns: 4,				// Integer, or 'auto' to calculate based on number of photos
	id: '',					// The id of the album to download (if api is not 'none')
	user: '',				// The username to feed the API (if api is not 'none')
	imgmax: '512',			// The longest edge length of the image to download
	thumbmax: '104',		// The longest edge of the thumbnail image
	cropped: true,			// True if the thumbnail should be cropped to a square (Picasa Web Albums only)
	images: [],				// An array of image objects or src strings (not recommended).
	thumbnails: [],			// An array of paths to thumbnails (not recommended).
							// If used, the 0th thumbnail maps to the first image that is a string,
							// even if it is not the 0th element.
	format: {
		colSpace: '0.5em',	// The space between columns
		rowSpace: '0.5em',	// The space between rows
		rowClass: '',		// A list of classes to add to the row divs
		imgClass: '',		// A list of classes to add to the img tags
		aClass: ''			// A list of classes to add to the anchors
	load: '',				// A callback to be called when all preloaded images are done loading
	complete: complete		// A callback function to be called after the DOM is ready
							// By default, it is set to the second argument passed to the
							// function call. The settings object takes priority.