- 0
SurfaceView is black
#22 opened by pfzsteven - 0
- 0
I do not want have the SwipeBackView
#17 opened by liuhui19991 - 2
How to set swipeback container transparent
#16 opened by kangnixi - 2
- 0
- 0
another question
#20 opened by cjcj125125 - 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Region.Op - only INTERSECT and DIFFERENCE are allowed in android P
#24 opened by konstantin1883 - 4
I want to remove SwipeBackView?
#23 opened by khacdat1994 - 1
I have a question
#19 opened by cjcj125125 - 1
How do you use fragments?
#21 opened by cjcj125125 - 4
Limit area in activity for swipe back
#12 opened by Mfrenchy77 - 6
ev.getX(ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId)); crashes due to bad pointer index
#8 opened by mrhether - 1
Does this lib have onSwipeBackListener?
#13 opened by ngocht143 - 4
How to make swipe back transparent?
#6 opened by code4lifevn - 4
How to use it in fragment?
#1 opened by kyze8439690 - 1
How change text caption?
#9 opened by Radzhab - 1
License missing
#7 opened by jaggs6 - 1
How would I install this on an Android device (e.g. Samsung Galaxy Note 4)
#4 opened by safiyykanjiyani - 2