The engine used in the Socket.IO JavaScript client, which manages the low-level transports such as HTTP long-polling, WebSocket and WebTransport.
- 3rd-Eden@godaddy
- bluefuton@Automattic
- bubel
- CodyBrown
- drewblaisdellSeattle
- druesome
- flowersinthesandSeoul, South Korea
- forschnixSan Francisco
- hafizrahman@Automattic
- jboydston
- jhcloos
- jmdoddAutomattic
- katerayNYC
- kejunBeijing
- keoshi@Automattic
- kovsheninAutomattic
- markforrester
- matthusbyChattanooga, TN
- mattmPreceden
- mattoperry
- Neustradamus
- Nibbler999NSoft
- nickgernertAutomattic
- puresteelzhang
- retrofoxAutomattic
- rudzkiPittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- scarstocea@Automattic
- send2vinnie
- sinopower
- stuartduff@Automattic @woocommerce
- tim545Australia
- vshabelnykVenmate
- WildGenieTurkey
- xknown
- yiqing-95
- yurybinfinery, Inc.