
Websocket server status page that allows me to see at a glace the "health" of my server and its hardware

Primary LanguagePython


Alt Text

Server health at a glance!

This is just a personal project utilizing some skills in a way that is meaningful to me. At the core, this project leverages serving a web client front end with FastAPI to monitor the health of my development server at home. Some notable skills:

  • FastAPI Backend
  • Websocket Communication
  • ChartJS
  • Pytest


A web front end to easily view CPU usage, RAM usage and Disk space graphically. Three smaller, more detailed sections to view more in depth statistics on hardware




Python 3.7+

To run:

poetry install
poetry run python main.py

Connect to your ip, at the endpoint '/stats' on port 8080

http://YOUR_IP:8080/stats (if accessing from a different client machine than the host)
http://localhost:8080/stats (if youre accessing from the host machine)

To run tests (development only):

poetry run pytest


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Free Software, Hell Yeah!