Streamer Sound Board

A free Soundboard Tool for Streaming

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A tool built with FastAPI, MongoDB and ElectronJS. This allows you to run the server on the streaming machine, and have a soundboard on a tablet or phone on the same LAN.


  • Ability to create Users, handle multiple users at once
  • Hashed Passwords
  • Soundboard can be controlled by multiple clients from multiple devices
  • Auto detect mp3 soundfiles by dropping them in the ElectronClient/sound_files directory
  • A handy websocket console for development, and seeing when Websocket events happen!


SSB uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • FastAPI - The new Python backend hotness
  • ElectronJS - Application framework for creating local web app-like applications, easy to package and run!
  • MongoDB - Fast, NOSQL document database
  • Vanilla Javascript - No need for complex bloated JS frameworks
  • HTML - You cant have a chromium app without it!
  • CSS - No need for preprocessors when you write it oldschool


  • Run the server and connect to it via LAN with a phone or tablet, actuate sounds from the browser on your device and the sound is played on your PC via the Electron App


SSB requires Python 3.7+, Node.js and a MongoDB database (local or hosted)

Install the dependencies and start the server. Ensure you have MongoDB Compass running, or change the DB connection variable in to match your host

cd SSB
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Electron app via shell:

cd ElectronClient
npm start

Or build an executable by following these instructions


Want to contribute? Great!



Free Software, woo-hoo!