
This is a Python3 implementation made to interact with the Chatbot Mutsuku or Kiki.

Primary LanguagePython

Mitsuku (Kuki) Chatbot

This is a Python3 implementation made to interact with the Chatbot Mutsuku or Kuki.


The implementation is made to be able to change the name of the bot and to be able to interact with it in any language.


Just install dependencies:

$ pip3 install requests
$ pip3 install googletrans
$ pip3 install translate

Usage Example

# Create an instance
mk = PandoraBot(
    bot_name="David",  # Set the bot name
    is_male=True,      # Set the gender
    bot_lang='es',     # Set the bot language
# Interact with the Chatbot
resp_text = mk.get_response('Hola, cómo estás?')

# Responds in spanish "Hola. Mi lógica y las funciones cognitivas son normales."