Circle of Warriors

This project is a Cancer Care Management Platform that allows people to share their experiences while managing their health and mental health related activites. This is especially useful for doctors to easily understand different aspects of the patient from the health, medicine intake and more.

Tech Stack

Client: 3rd party API, chart.js, EJS, Javascript, Flowbite, TailwindCSS, HTML/CSS

Server: Node, Express, Passport, Mongoose, MongoDB


  • Hide inputs depending on if they are a caregiver or someone who experience cancer
  • Add/remove removes in the health biometrics section
  • Add visualization based off of user
  • Allow users to comment to each others posts
  • Spotlight a post that was liked the most that week
  • Allow user to render spanish or english based off of preference
  • Add date info on posts
  • Let user "hide" private posts from community page
  • Add page for displaying your journals to edit/delete them
  • Add more options for health biometrics information
  • Add 3rd party integration to display quotes
  • Move sign up form in a new page from the username/password piece
  • Add color and styling and fix some styling issues
  • Add an account page to let the user change their settings
  • Let users filter posts by preferences

How To

  1. There are three types of Users
  2. Click Sign up to get Started
  3. Enter all details related to you or loved ones cancer journey
  4. After you sign up, you will be redirected to the Community Page
  5. View all users post
  6. Feel free to click on star favorite warriors journal post
  7. When ready to create your own journal and update your info about your well-being click "Journal Entry"
  8. Submit your post and see it on community page
  9. Enjoy!

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd cancer-care-management-platform

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm start

Lessons Learned

  • How to dynamically display input fields depending on whay they select in a drop down
  • How to render english or spanish depending on what the user selects
  • How to update the sign up information to have the user fill in information about themselves
  • How to move over to a MVC model
  • More complex user authentication
  • How to make two way data binding with drop down menus for dynamic input fields in my Health Biometrics Field

