This is a mood board where people can post about how they feel.

Tech Stack

Client: EJS, Javascript, Flowbite, TailwindCSS, FontAwesome, HTML/CSS

Server: Node, Express, Passport, Mongoose, MongoDB


  • User login and authentication
  • Contribute Community Page with how you feel and what inspired those feelings
  • Add a new mood to your mood board by selecting "Mood of the Day"
  • Click "Actions" to edit or delete an existing mood from your mood board

How To

  1. Create Sign up
  2. Login In
  3. Contribute to Community Page
  4. Enter one thing that makes you happy
  5. Update your Mood
  6. Write a sentence on how you feel
  7. Enjoy !


App Screenshot

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/socratic617/fullstackApp-user-login-in.git

Go to the project directory

  cd fullstackApp-two-user-login-in

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm start

Lessons Learned

How to use an actions drop down menu and pass the mood id so i can edit/delete it. How to use a table and how to dynamically add rows.