This script is hardcoded to fetch job offers for a developer role in the area of Quebec City, Canada.
on first time use (Windows users, i tell you what to do further down):
make sure to have installed 'BeautifulSoup' library :
$ sudo apt-get install python3-bs4
$ pip3 install beautifulsoup4
make sure to have installed the lxml parser library :
$ sudo apt-get install python3-lxml
open Main.Py file with a text Editor :
uncomment the line which will create a SQLite table right next to the code files
** You are a poor Windows user ?? no worries ! :
- Please have Python 3 installed
- If you know how to do it, please put yourself behind a Virtual Environnement (venv)
- via the Command line (PowerShell), install 3 librairies : BeautifulSoup, lxml and Requests
- pip3 install beautifulsoup4
- pip3 install lxml
- pip3 install requests
Then you can expect it to work :
1- just run the file by double-clicking on it and it will fetch job offers in about 30 seconds.
2- you can view offers in SQLite3 console, but i prefer using a web-based tool like ''
3- by geeking out a little what BeautifulSoup library is about, you can switch the 'parsing classes' for your own ; looking for new jobs
offering available in your area from your favoriste job websites.
- developers : running script (i.e. '') with integer of value 10 will output detailed debug logs in a file named 'log.out'. (on your terminal start script by typing this : $python 10)