
A node package that uses ffmpeg to convert one or more mp3 files to aac (m4a or m4b)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mp3 To AAC

A Node.js module that uses ffmpeg to convert one or more mp3 files to aac (m4a or m4b)


npm install mp3-to-aac --save
yarn add mp3-to-aac



const mp3ToAac = require('mp3-to-aac').mp3ToAac;

mp3ToAac("file.mp3", "output.m4a")


import mp3ToAac from 'mp3-to-aac';

mp3ToAac("file.mp3", "output.m4a")


You can pass options as the 3rd parameter to the function.

    * Current working directory for ffmpeg process
   cwd?: string,
    * If the ffmpeg process should be detached from the existing process. If false killing the node process will kill ffmpeg
    * @default false
   detached?: boolean,
    * If stdio should be piped to the current console
    * @default true
   pipeStdio?: boolean,
    * Write debugging output to the console?
    * @default false
   debug?: boolean,
    * Metadata overrides. By default ffmpeg will copy any metadata on the mp3 to the output file, these will allow you to specify your own metadata
   metaDataOverrides?: {
      title?: string,
      artist?: string,
      albumArtist?: string,
      album?: string,
      grouping?: string,
      composer?: string,
      year?: number,
      trackNumber?: number,
      comment?: string,
      genre?: string,
      copyright?: string,
      description?: string,
      synopsis?: string,
       * The path for the cover photo that should be added to the file
      coverPicturePath?: string,