
A simple ASCII text animator

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


build+test complexity vulnerabilities PyPI version python

A simple ASCII text animator.

The ascii-art-animator CLI will take as input a GIF image, extract all the frames from it, convert each frame to ASCII art using ascii-magic, then display each frame to the terminal using list2term.


pip install ascii_animator


usage: ascii-art-animator [-h] [-s SPEED] [-f FILE] [-d] [-a] [-m MAX_LOOPS] [-c COLUMNS]

Ascii Art Animator from GIF

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SPEED, --speed SPEED
                        speed of the animation: very_slow, slow, normal, fast (default normal)
  -f FILE, --file FILE  the path to a gif file
  -d, --debug           display debug messages to stdout
  -a, --show_axis       display the grid axis
  -m MAX_LOOPS, --max_loops MAX_LOOPS
                        maximum number of loops, set to 0 to loop through image until keyboard interrupt (default 1)
  -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
                        the number of characters per row (default 150)


ASCII Art Animator

Use ascii-art-animator to convert the following GIF image to an ascii animation and demonstrate the use of the optional arguments.

  • show x and y axis
  • loop through the image 3 times
  • set columns to 100 characters
ascii-art-animator -f docs/images/marcovich.gif -a -m 3 -c 100


Create an animation by subclassing the Animation class to resemble symmetrical equalizer bars and display it to the terminal using the Animator class.


Create an animation by subclassing the Animation class to resemble the Matrix and display it to the terminal using the Animator class.


A Conway Game-Of-Life implementation that uses ascii_animator to display the game to the terminal.


Clone the repository and ensure the latest version of Docker is installed on your development server.

Build the Docker image:

docker image build \
-t ascii-animator:latest .

Run the Docker container:

docker container run \
--rm \
-it \
-v $PWD:/code \
ascii-animator:latest \

Execute the build:

pyb -X