
SODA Terra Project Controller Module : All the control services (like metadata management, scheduler, other bookkeeping, utils etc)

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SODA Controller

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SODA Controller is an open source implementation for all the control services (like metadata management, scheduler, other bookkeeping, utils etc) . This is currently added a separate repository considering many core services could be developed under this for the overall data store framework.

It is part of SODA Terra (SDS Controller). There are other two repositories part of SODA Terra viz., API and Dock

In the API flow from SODA API to SODA DOCK, controller plays a critical role for all the API flow management and tracking to handle all the state machine and metadata management requirements. This will be a layer to keep addons to new services or facilities or utilities for the soda data platform

This layer can be optional going forward or pick and use needed services from the controller during the deployment. However, the users need to do certain integration with api and dock for their controller modules in such cases

Controller interfaces with SODA api and dock.

This is one of the SODA Core Projects and is maintained by SODA Foundation directly.

Earlier part of github.com/sodafoundation/opensds Or github.com/opensds/opensds



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Join https://sodafoundation.io/slack/ and share your interest in the ‘general’ channel

Checkout https://github.com/sodafoundation/controller/issues labelled with ‘good first issue’ or ‘help needed’ or ‘help wanted’ or ‘StartMyContribution’ or ‘SMC’

Project Roadmap

Envision to build a service layer with a lot of useful services for data store under this project. This could become the core service layer for the soda data platform.


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