
Defcon for N00bs is an open guide for first time attendees to the convention.

MIT LicenseMIT


DEF CON for N00bs is an open guide for first time attendees to the convention.

This guide is published to the Hacking and Coffee website @ https://hackingand.coffee/defcon-for-n00bs/

This repo allows people to submit changes to include, suggested docs, resources, etc.

I will update the site accordingly. As much as I would like to edit an actual ODF file, it is not practical to keep track of changes in github without a lot of 3rd party tools (which, as a doc for n00bs, is not a good idea).

I will likely break sections into separate files or directories (with diagrams, tables, etc all possibilities).

This document and its resources are meant to grow over time.

To all who contribute, I thank you. To all who read this, I wish you luck. To all who think they know something better, submit a pull request.

