
A WordPress plugin/library for creating responsive country flags

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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CSS Flags library for WordPress

NOTE In 0.3.0, all filters have changed (changed dash to underscrore): css_flags_countries, css_flags_regions, css_flags_exclude and css_flags_cachetime.

The CSS Flags plugin / library for WordPress loads a dynamicly created CSS. It has responsive SVG flags for the following countries (country code in parentheses):

Aaland (ax), Afghanistan (af), Albania (al), Algeria (dz), American Samoa (as), Andorra (ad), Angola (ao), Anguilla (ai), Antigua And Barbuda (ag), Argentina (ar), Armenia (am), Aruba (aw), Australia (au), Austria (at), Azerbaijan (az), Bahamas (bs), Bahrain (bh), Bangladesh (bd), Barbados (bb), Basque (basque), Belarus (by), Belgium (be), Belize (bz), Benin (bj), Bermuda (bm), Bhutan (bt), Bolivia (bo), Bosnia And Herzegovina (ba), Botswana (bw), Bouvet Island (bv), Brazil (br), British Indian Ocean Territory (io), British Virgin Islands (vg), Brunei (bn), Bulgaria (bg), Burkina Faso (bf), Burundi (bi), Cambodia (kh), Cameroon (cm), Canada (ca), Cape Verde (cv), Catalonia (catalonia), Cayman Islands (ky), Central African Republic (cf), Chad (td), Chile (cl), China (cn), Christmas Island (cx), Cocos Islands (cc), Colombia (co), Comoros (km), Congo (cg), Cook Islands (ck), Costa Rica (cr), Cote D'ivoire (ci), Croatia (hr), Cuba (cu), Cyprus (cy), Czech Republic (cz), Democratic Republic Of Congo (cd), Denmark (dk), Djibouti (dj), Dominica (dm), Dominican Republic (do), East Timor (tm), Ecuador (ec), Egypt (eg), El Salvador (sv), England (england), Equatorial Guinea (gq), Eritrea (er), Estonia (ee), Ethiopia (et), Europe (eu), Falkland Islands (fk), Faroe Islands (fo), Federated States Of Micronesia (fm), Fiji (fj), Finland (fi), France (fr), French Guiana (gf), French Polynesia (pf), French Southern And Antarctic Lands (tf), Gabon (ga), Galicia (galicia), Gambia (gm), Georgia (ge), Germany (de), Ghana (gh), Gibraltar (gi), Greece (gr), Greenland (gl), Grenada (gd), Guadeloupe (gp), Guam (gu), Guatemala (gt), Guernsey (gg), Guinea (gn), Guinea-bissau (gw), Guyana (gy), Haiti (ht), Heard Island And Mcdonald Slands (hm), Honduras (hn), Hong Kong (hk), Hungary (hu), Iceland (is), India (in), Indonesia (id), Iran (ir), Iraq (iq), Ireland (ie), Isle Of Man (im), Israel (il), Italy (it), Jamaica (jm), Japan (jp), Jersey (je), Jordan (jo), Kazakhstan (kz), Kenya (ke), Kiribati (ki), Kuwait (kw), Kyrgyzstan (kg), Laos (la), Latvia (lv), Lebanon (lb), Lesotho (ls), Liberia (lr), Libya (ly), Liechtenstein (li), Lithuania (lt), Luxembourg (lu), Macau (mo), Macedonia (mk), Madagascar (mg), Malawi (mw), Malaysia (my), Maldives (mv), Mali (ml), Malta (mt), Marshall Islands (mh), Martinique (mq), Mauritania (mr), Mauritius (mu), Mayotte (yt), Mexico (mx), Moldova (md), Monaco (mc), Mongolia (mn), Montenegro (me), Montserrat (ms), Morocco (ma), Mozambique (mz), Myanmar (mm), Namibia (na), Nauru (nr), Nepal (np), Netherlands (nl), Netherlands Antilles (an), New Caledonia (nc), New Zealand (nz), Nicaragua (ni), Niger (ne), Nigeria (ng), Niue (nu), Norfolk Island (nf), North Korea (kp), Northern Mariana Islands (mp), Norway (no), Oman (om), Pakistan (pk), Palau (pw), Palestine (ps), Panama (pa), Papua New Guinea (pg), Paraguay (py), Peru (pe), Philippines (ph), Pitcairn Islands (pn), Poland (pl), Portugal (pt), Puerto Rico (pr), Qatar (qa), Republic Of China Taiwan (tw), Rainbow - LGBT (rainbow), Reunion (re), Romania (ro), Russia (ru), Rwanda (rw), Saint Helena (sh), Saint Kitts And Nevis (kn), Saint Lucia (lc), Saint Martin (mf), Saint Vincent And Grenadines (vc), Saint-pierre And Miquelon (pm), Sami (sami), Samoa (ws), San Marino (sm), Sao Tome And Principe (st), Saudi Arabia (sa), Scotland (scotland), Senegal (sn), Serbia (rs), Serbia And Montenegro (cs), Seychelles (sc), Sierra Leone (sl), Singapore (sg), Slovakia (sk), Slovenia (si), Solomon Islands (sb), Somalia (so), South Africa (za), South Georgia And South Sandwich Islands (gs), South Korea (kr), Spain (es), Sri Lanka (lk), Sudan (sd), Suriname (sr), Svalbard And Jan Mayen (sj), Swaziland (sz), Sweden (se), Switzerland (ch), Syria (sy), Tajikistan (tj), Tanzania (tz), Thailand (th), Togo (tg), Tokelau (tk), Tonga (to), Trinidad And Tobago (tt), Tunisia (tn), Turkey (tr), Turkmenistan (tm), Turks And Caicos Islands (tc), Tuvalu (tv), Uganda (ug), Ukraine (ua), United Arab Emirates (ae), United Kingdom (gb), United States (us), United States Minor Outlying Islands (um), United States Virgin Islands (vi), Uruguay (uy), Uzbekistan (uz), Vanuatu (vu), Vatican City (va), Venezuela (ve), Vietnam (vn), Wales (wales), Wallis And Futuna (wf), Western Sahara (eh), Yemen (ye), Zambia (zm), Zimbabwe (zw)

You can view the flags at my site


The total CSS file size is 4 MB, and you don't want to send all that data back to the users, so you must use one of the following filters in your plugin or theme.

css_flags_countries: Load flags for one or more countries

add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
	return array('no'); // Array with ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 country codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements

css_flags_regions: Load the flags for one or more regions. You can choose between europe, oceania, africa, asia, northamerica, southamerica and middleeast.

add_filter('css_flags_regions', function() {
	return array('europe'); //europe, oceania, africa, asia, northamerica, southamerica, middleeast

css_flags_exclude: Exclude some countries from the list. This filter must be used in combination with the css_flags_countries or css_flags_regions filters

add_filter('css_flags_exclude', function() {
	return array('eu');

css_flags_cachetime: Change the cache time, default it's 7200 (60x60x2 = 2 hours)

add_filter('css_flags_cachetime', function() {
	return 172800; // 2 days

If you must (but you shouldn't), you can load all the CSS flags using the following:

add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
	return array('all'); // load all country flags (don't it's 4MB)

Example 1

Using this filter in your (child) theme functions.php

add_action( 'init', function() {
	add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
		return array('no');

CSS Flags will add the following CSS (note the .css-flag prefix):

/* CSS generated in 0.002 seconds. */
.css-flag.no {
	background-image: url('');
	height: 100%;
	width: 137.5%;
	background-size: 100% 100%;
.css-flag.no-landscape {
	height: 100%;
	width: 137.5%;
.css-flag.no-portrait {
	height: 72.727272727273%;
	width: 100%;

I bet you can CSS and HTML better than me, but you could display the flag using this in your (child) theme:

<style type="text/css">
	.box {
		width: 32%;
		/*float: left;*/
	.flagbox {
		width: 120px;
		height: 120px;
		display: inline-block;
		vertical-align: middle;
	.flag {
	    margin: auto;
		display: inline-block;
		vertical-align: middle;

		border: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
		box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 2px #fff;


<div class="box">
	<div class="flagbox"><span class="flag no no-portrait"></span></div>

Example 2

Load the CSS Flags for the five Nordic countries and their autonomous regions: Norway (no), Sweden (se), Denmark (dk), Findland (fi), Iceland (is), the Faroe Islands (fo), Greenland (gl) and Aaland (ax)

add_action( 'init', function() {
	add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
		return array('no','se','dk','fi','is', 'fo', 'gl','ax'); // ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements

Only load the Scandinavian flags ('no','se','dk') by removing flags from the loaded list

add_action( 'init', function() {
	add_filter('css_flags_exclude', function() {
		return array('fi','is', 'fo', 'gl','ax'); // ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements



  1. Download the latest stable release, 0.3.0
  2. Add and activate it. This will load the CSS (4 MB) and cache it using the WordPress Transients API. The default cache time is 7200. The cache time can be changed using the css_flags_cachetime filter.
  3. Add one of the filters, above, to your plugin or (child) themes functions.php


  1. In your (child) theme folder, clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/soderlind/css-flags.git

  2. Add the following to your (child) theme functions.php

    //load the CSS Flags library
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/css-flags/css-flags.php');
  3. Add one of the filters, above, to your (child) themes functions.php, eg:

    add_action( 'init', function() {
    	add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
    		return array('no','se','dk'); // ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements
    	// add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
    	// 	return array('all'); // ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements
    	// });
    	// add_filter('css_flags_regions', function() {
    	// 	return array('europe'); //europe, oceania, africa, asia, northamerica, southamerica, middleeast
    	// });
    	// add_filter('css_flags_exclude', function() {
    	// 	return array('gb','se');
    	// });

To get you started, here'a a sample theme functions.php


See the CHANGELOG.md


The original CSS file is from http://www.phoca.cz/cssflags/. If you only need the CSS file, grab it there.

Copyright and License

CSS Flags plugin for WordPress is copyright 2015 Per Soderlind

CSS Flags plugin for WordPress is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

CSS Flags plugin for WordPress is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Extension. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.