
A PHP built appointment booking App for doctors and patients, signup as a patient, make payment and schedule an appointment with a medical staff. Flutterwave payment was integrated

Primary LanguagePHP

sodiadrhain hospital

how to test

  1. You must have Installed XAMPP on your local machine, if not visit: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html to download.
  2. Now clone or download this repository to your local machine.
  3. Unzip or move the repository folder to C://XAMPP/htdocs in your local machine
  4. Run/Start Apache Server on XAMPP
  5. Open your browser and type in the address bar http://localhost/php-auth-system P.S if you rename the folder of the downloaded repository you should change that with the URL of the http://localhost
  6. The Website should now be live... To act as Super admin, use details below...

super admin details:

email: admin@admin.com password: admin1234