
This is simply my personal profile / porfolio; it contains stuffs about me, basically a personal porfolio for potential recuiters to see me. it was built with Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status Latest Stable Version License

About this Application

This is simply my personal profile / porfolio; it contains stuffs about me, basically a personal porfolio for potential recuiters to see me. it was built with Laravel, sections of this app include:

  • About me.
  • Contact.
  • Works.
  • My Resume.

How to test

  • Live url can be found in repository description.
  • It can also be tested by simply clonning this repository
  • Make sure you have PHP and Composer installed locally
  • Run composer install in folder directory
  • Generate a app key by using php artisan key:generate
  • Now you can start the appliaction run php artisan serve
  • Visit localhost:8000 to see app running