
A React table component.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A React table component.

npm GitHub Actions Coverage Status


  • Support virtualized.
  • Support fixed header, fixed column.
  • Support custom adjustment column width.
  • Support for custom cell content.
  • Support for displaying a tree form.
  • Support for sorting.
  • Support for expandable child nodes
  • Support for RTL


  • Fixed Column

  • Custom Cell

  • Tree Table

  • Expandable

More Examples


# use npm
npm i rsuite-table

# or use yarn
yarn add rsuite-table

# or use pnpm
pnpm add rsuite-table


import { Table, Column, HeaderCell, Cell } from 'rsuite-table';
import 'rsuite-table/lib/less/index.less'; // or 'rsuite-table/dist/css/rsuite-table.css'

const dataList = [
  { id: 1, name: 'a', email: 'a@email.com', avartar: '...' },
  { id: 2, name: 'b', email: 'b@email.com', avartar: '...' },
  { id: 3, name: 'c', email: 'c@email.com', avartar: '...' }

const ImageCell = ({ rowData, dataKey, ...rest }) => (
  <Cell {...rest}>
    <img src={rowData[dataKey]} width="50" />

const App = () => (
  <Table data={dataList}>
    <Column width={100} sortable fixed resizable>
      <Cell dataKey="id" />

    <Column width={100} sortable resizable>
      <Cell dataKey="name" />

    <Column width={100} sortable resizable>
        {(rowData, rowIndex) => {
          return <a href={`mailto:${rowData.email}`}>{rowData.email}</a>;

    <Column width={100} resizable>
      <ImageCell dataKey="avartar" />



Property Type (Default) Description
affixHeader boolean,number Affix the table header to the specified position on the page
affixHorizontalScrollbar boolean,number Affix the table horizontal scrollbar to the specified position on the page
autoHeight boolean The height of the table will be automatically expanded according to the number of data rows, and no vertical scroll bar will appear
bordered boolean Show border
cellBordered boolean Show cell border
children (components: { Cell, HeaderCell, Column, ColumnGroup }) => React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode Render props that receives parameterized Cell, HeaderCell, Column, ColumnGroup components - making typescript usage more convenient
data * object[] Table data
defaultExpandAllRows boolean Expand all nodes By default
defaultExpandedRowKeys string[] Specify the default expanded row by rowkey
defaultSortType enum: 'desc', 'asc' Sort type
expandedRowKeys string[] Specify the default expanded row by rowkey (Controlled)
fillHeight boolean Force the height of the table to be equal to the height of its parent container. Cannot be used together with autoHeight.
headerHeight number(40) Table Header Height
height number(200) Table height
hover boolean (true) The row of the table has a mouseover effect
isTree boolean Show as Tree table
loading boolean Show loading
locale object: { emptyMessage: ('No data'), loading: ('Loading...') } Messages for empty data and loading states
minHeight number (0) Minimum height
onExpandChange (expanded:boolean,rowData:object)=>void Tree table, the callback function in the expanded node
onRowClick (rowData:object, event: SyntheticEvent)=>void Click the callback function after the row and return to rowDate
onRowContextMenu (rowData:object, event: SyntheticEvent)=>void Invoke the callback function on contextMenu and pass the rowData
onScroll (scrollX:object, scrollY:object)=>void Callback function for scroll bar scrolling
onSortColumn (dataKey:string, sortType:string)=>void Click the callback function of the sort sequence to return the value sortColumn, sortType
renderEmpty (info: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode Customized data is empty display content
renderLoading (loading: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode Customize the display content in the data load
renderRow (children?: ReactNode, rowData?: RowDataType) => ReactNode Custom row element
renderRowExpanded (rowDate?: Object) => React.ReactNode Customize what you can do to expand a zone
renderTreeToggle (icon:node,rowData:object,expanded:boolean)=> node Tree table, the callback function in the expanded node
rowClassName string , (rowData:object, rowIndex:number)=>string Add an optional extra class name to row
rowExpandedHeight number (100), (rowDate?: Object) => number Set the height of an expandable area
rowHeight number(46), (rowData: object) => number Row height
rowKey string ('key') Each row corresponds to the unique key in data
rtl boolean Right to left
shouldUpdateScroll boolean,(event)=>({x,y}) (true) Use the return value of shouldUpdateScroll to determine whether to update the scroll after the table size is updated.
showHeader boolean (true) Display header
sortColumn string Sort column name ˝
sortType enum: 'desc', 'asc' Sort type (Controlled)
virtualized boolean Effectively render large tabular data
width number Table width
wordWrap boolean,'break-all','break-word','keep-all' Whether to appear line breaks where text overflows its content box.


Property Type (Default) Description
align enum: 'left','center','right' Alignment
colSpan number Merges column cells to merge when the dataKey value for the merged column is null or undefined.
fixed boolean, 'left', 'right' Fixed column
flexGrow number Set the column width automatically adjusts, when set flexGrow cannot set resizable and width property
fullText boolean Whether to display the full text of the cell content when the mouse is hovered
minWidth number(200) When you use flexGrow, you can set a minimum width by minwidth
onResize (columnWidth?: number, dataKey?: string) => void Callback after column width change
resizable boolean Customizable Resize Column width
rowSpan (rowData: any) => number Merges rows on the specified column.
sortable boolean Sortable
treeCol boolean A column of a tree.
verticalAlign enum: 'top', 'middle', 'bottom' Vertical alignment
width number Column width

sortable is used to define whether the column is sortable, but depending on what key sort needs to set a dataKey in Cell. The sort here is the service-side sort, so you need to handle the logic in the ' Onsortcolumn ' callback function of <Table>, and the callback function returns sortColumn, sortType values.


Property Type (Default) Description
align enum: 'left','center','right' Alignment
fixed boolean, 'left', 'right' Fixed column
groupHeaderHeight number The height of the header of the merged cell group. The default value is 50% of the table headerHeight
header React.ReactNode Group header
verticalAlign enum: 'top', 'middle', 'bottom' Vertical alignment


Property Type (Default) Description
children React.ReactNode The table column header displays the content
renderSortIcon (sortType) => React.ReactNode Custom render sort icons on column headers


Property Type (Default) Description
dataKey string Data binding key, but also a sort of key
rowData object Row data
rowIndex number Row number

There are three ways to use <Cell>, as follows:

  • 1.Associate the fields in the data with dataKey.
<Column width="{100}" align="center">
  <Cell dataKey="name" />
  • 2.Customize a <Cell>.
const NameCell = ({ rowData, ...props }) => (
  <Cell {...props}>
    <a href={`mailto:${rowData.email}`}>{rowData.name}<a>

<Column width={100} align="center">
  <NameCell />
  • 3.Customize functions directly within the <Cell>.
<Column width={100} align="center">
    {(rowData, rowIndex) => {
      return <a href={`mailto:${rowData.email}`}>{rowData.name}</a>;

(For nested data read this: rsuite#158)

Table ref

Property Type Description
body HTMLDivElement The body element of the table
root HTMLDivElement The root element of the table
scrollLeft (left:number)=>void Set the number of pixels for horizontal scrolling of the table
scrollPosition {top:number,left:number} The scroll position of the table
scrollTop (top:number)=>void Set the number of pixels for vertical scrolling of the table

Type safety

We can pass generic type parameters to Table, Cell etc. for better type-safety when using typescript.

Passing a render prop to Table is recommended when using TS, as this will ensure that the right generic type parameter is automatically propagated to the Cell component.

const products: Product[] = [{ name: 'Pineapple' }];

<Table<Product, string> ref={table} data={products}>
  {({ Column, HeaderCell, Cell }) => (
        {/* No need for passing explicit type parameter to Cell */}
        <Cell>{row => row.name}</Cell>

In fact, the type parameter from table can be inferred from the data passed to it, so the type parameter to Table can also be skipped.

const products: Product[] = [{ name: 'Pineapple' }];

<Table data={products}>
  {({ Column, HeaderCell, Cell }) => (
        <Cell>{row => row.name}</Cell>

When writing reusable components, it is recommended to make your components generic as well. For example:

interface ImageCellProps<TKey extends string, TRow extends Record<TKey, string>> {
  rowData: TRow;
  dataKey: TKey;
  // ... any other props

const ImageCell = <TKey extends string, TRow extends Record<TKey, string>>({
}: ImageCellProps<TKey, TRow>) => (
  <Cell<TRow, TKey> {...rest}>
    <img src={rowData[dataKey]} width="50" />