
your personal bookmarking app with a link shortener

Primary LanguageSolidity


your personal bookmarking app with a link shortener

What happens when Bit.ly and Del.icio.us meet?

Your 2 Web2 favorites are now merged and are launched on decentralized planet!

Away from censorship and walled gardens :)

Tableland and Web3.storage / IPFS give superpower to you to keep and share your favorite linkstou.

No one can ever delete, shut down or take away your links from you anymore :D

homepage with clips

create your own tableland table

deploy your own personal Clip.ly

Deploy with Vercel

Run Clip.ly locally

copy .env.local.example to .env.local

cp .env.local.example .env.local
yarn dev

if NEXT_PUBLIC_TABLELAND_TABLE_NAME is not set, you can create a table on the homepage. then once the table is created, update NEXT_PUBLIC_TABLELAND_TABLE_NAME in .env.local file with the table name.

Then stop the server ctrl + c and re-run yarn dev.