Caffe models (including classification, detection and segmentation) and deploy files for famouse networks
- a61730607BUPT
- benizJoliBrain
- BeSlowerCA, USA
- birolkuyumcuresearch engineer
- caibolunSouth China University of Technology
- cenaliu
- ColdmooonBeijing
- dkozlov
- dressplus
- gqshi
- hophop12345
- jiawenhe
- jjn037Horizon
- kimquy06CrayonData
- knnpll
- liuzw123
- maxpy
- miaow1988Tencent
- PierreHao
- PratyekaXi'an, Shaanxi
- rocksatSeattle, Washington
- shicaiHangzhou
- soeaverBUPT
- ssjatmhmy
- stas-slMinsk, Belarus
- sxhfutHefei University of Technology
- twtygqyyCalifornia
- vgenty@SparkBeyond
- WindWang2
- wzh2015
- YoWhatever
- yoyoyo6282
- yubozuzu123Chinese Academy of Sciences
- yuhanghe01Oxford, UK.
- zhirihuixin
- zlmzjuZhejiang University