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I'm trying to obtain the pvalue of the host prediction working in linux but I'm not sure how to do it
I have my phages of interest (PI), potential hosts (H) and a group of phages that I'm sure that they don't infect the potential hosts (PN).
I have tried two approximations because the instructions were unclear but they haven't worked:
- Generating models for the PN, getting the "nullparameters.tsv" file from that
- Running the prediction of PN against H, getting the "nullparameters.tsv" file from that
Both options end with the WARNING: [...] do(es) not have null-model parameters, and their p-value calculation will be missing in the prediction.list file.
If you could give me a step by step approach I would appreciate it, because I'm not sure about how to add the information of the nullParameters to the existing models
Dear Marina,
Thanks for your interest in WIsH. Could you please report me:
- few lines of the file nullparameters.tsv
- few lines of the file prediction.list
So that I can check if they are in the correct format and is their identifiers match.
Dear Marina,
Have you solved your issue?