Lumen RestFul

Custom from Lumen


  • PHP latest version
  • MariaDB or MySQL latest version
  • git
  • composer

How to install

  • Clone this repository

  • User terminal or command line

  • Execute cp .env.example .env

  • Edit database connection

  • Execute composer install

  • Execute php artisan migrate

  • Execute php artisan db:seed

  • Execute php artisan jwt:secret

How to run project

php -S -t public

Added Folders and files

To reduce the number of line on controller in this project, bussines process is separated into Readers and Handlers.

  • Handlers is used to accomodate business process related to changing data into database.

  • Readers is used to accomodate business process related to getting data from database.

  • On Core felder also added some files:

    • Handler.php is interface class as the parent class of Handler classes.
    • Reader.php is interface class as the parent class of Reader classes.
    • HasPaginate.php is trait class as Pagination Helper.
    • PagedList.php is helper class as custom response pagination from LengthAwarePaginator, this changed relate with return on the controller.
  • ApiController.php is a custom of the existing Controller, with added several helper methods to handle the standard response.

    - app
      - Core
        - Handlers (directory)
        - Readers (directory)
        - Handler.php
        - HasPaginate.php
        - PagedList.php
        - Reader.php
      - Http
        - Controllers
          - ApiController.php

Added custom artisan command

  • php artisan make:model Create a new Eloquent model class
  • php artisan jwt:secret Set the JWTAuth secret key used to sign the tokens