
Java implementation (without imports) of basic algorithms and data structures

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Java Implementations of algorithms and data structures learned in my first year at ETH Zurich. The primary goal was learning how the different algorithms work, hence I decided to (partially) avoid importing external libraries.

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Graph Theory

In this list we mention the implemented algorithms, together with their goal and runtime. In the graphs repository, you may find additional implementations using different data structures and no imports.

Algorithm Goal Runtime
Articulation Nodes Find nodes that ensure graph connectivity. O(n+m)
BFS Perform Breadth-First-Search on the graph. O(n+m)
Bellman Ford One-to-all shortest path, even with negative weights. O(nm)
DFS Perform Depth-First-Search on the graph. O(n+m)
Dijkstra One-to-all shortest path, weights must be non-negative. O(n log n + m) (with Fibonacci-Heaps, this version is less efficient)
Euler Tour Decide if the graph contains an Euler Tour. O(m)
Floyd Warshall All-to-all shortest path. O(n^3)
Kruskal MST by applying the blue rule. O(m log m)
Prim MST by applying the blue/ red rule. O(m log n)
Topological Sorting Determine if the graph has a topological order O(n + m)


Algorithm Key Idea Runtime
Linear Search Check every element. O(n) (worst-case)
Binary Search Searching in a dictionary of a foreign language. O(log n) (worst-case)
Interpolation Search Searching in a dictionary when you have an estimate of the words distribution. O(log n) (worst-case)
Exponential Search Find range and use binary search. O(log n) (worst-case)


Algorithm Key Idea Runtime
Bubble Sort Double for loop. O(n^2) (worst-case)
Insertion Sort Sorting a deck of card. O(n^2) (worst-case)
Selection Sort Pick the maximum of the unsorted part of the array and put it at the end. O(n^2) (worst-case)
Merge Sort Divide and conquer. O(n log n) (worst-case)
Quick Sort Use a (random) pivot to partition the array. O(n log n) average-case, but O(n^2) worst-case

Data Structures

Data Structure Supported Operations
Binary Search Tree Add, find, dele: everything O(h) (h is the height of the tree)
Priority Queue Enque, Deque: both O(log n)
Queue Enque, Deque: both O(1)
Stack Push, Pop, Top: everything O(1)
Union Find Find, Union: both O(log n) using path compression