
doca is a python command line wrapper for docker-compose to manage all you docker-compose projects

Primary LanguagePython


If you find yourself having different docker-compose projects spreading around your machine, and you are tired of switching the directories all then time, then doca is a small helper for you.

doca keeps track of all your project an wrapps around docker-compose to easyly interact with your projects. You don't have to remember an new set of commands. Nearly all doca commands are the same as docker-compose (because most of them are simply forwarded).


doca uses poetry for dependency management. You may follow the installation instruction at https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation Since doca is a wrapper around docker-compose, docker-compose must be installed and executable by the user running doca


Currently there is no official pypi-Package for doca. You have to install it by yourself. Thanks to poetry this is quite simple:

    $ git clone git@github.com:soerenbe/doca.git
    $ cd doca
    $ poetry build
    $ pip install --user dist/doca-<version>.tar.gz


By default doca searches your home directory for docker-compose.yml files and use this directories as projects to work on. This should be sufficiant for the start and most basic configurations.

Sometimes you may with to tweek the project locations by yourself. doca uses following environment variables to lookup for docker-compose projects. You may put them into your ~/.bashrc

export DOCA_PATH=/home/user/git
export DOCA_EXCLUDE_PATH=/home/user/git/other

You can specify several paths by seperating them with :.

If you find yourself confused that doca does not find your projects or find projects you thought where excluded, you can add some debugging output:

export DOCA_LOGLEVEL=debug


Listing all projects

$ doca ls
frontend /home/user/projects/frontend
webapp /home/user/projects/webapp
prometheus /home/user/monitoring/prometheus

Editing the docker-compose.yml file

$ doca edit frontend
-> This will start your $EDITOR on /home/user/monitoring/prometheus/docker-compose.yml

docker-compose commands

All other commands will be directly forwarded to docker-compose. doca uses a fuzzy project name matching using TheFuzz. In most cases it is not required to specifiy the complete project name.

$ doca fron ps
Using project frontend in /home/user/projects/frontend
NAME                  COMMAND                  SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
frontend-django-1     "/code/docker-entryp…"   django              running   >8000/tcp, :::8109->8000/tcp
frontend-postgres-1   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   postgres            running   >5432/tcp, :::5109->5432/tcp

You can use all common command like:

$ doca fronend ps
$ doca fronend stop
$ doca fronend start
$ doca fronend build
$ doca fronend up -d
$ doca fronend logs -f django
$ doca fronend exec django bash

... you get the point. ;-)