
Bridge operator repo

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bridge Operator

The Kubernetes Bridge operator is able to submit and monitor long running processes on external systems which have their own cluster/resource manager, including SLURM, LSF and Ray. The implementation is agnostic to the choice of resource manager but assumes the system exposes a HTTP/HTTPS API for its control and management.

This operator can be deployed to submit traditional HPC cluster jobs but also to submit jobs to external systems such as: AI accelerators on dedicated clusters, heterogeneous HPC platforms, or Quantum systems. We provide specific example Pod images for

  • LSF: a Pod managing jobs inside an IBM Spectrum LSF Cluster
  • Quantum: a Pod managing jobs inside the IBM Quantum Service
  • SLURM: a Pod managing jobs inside a Slurm cluster
  • Ray: a Pod managing jobs inside a Ray cluster


The Bridge Operator acts as a simple bridge between Kubernetes and the external system where visibility into the external system is limited to the system's HTTP(S) API requests. As a result there is no interaction between the Kubernetes scheduler and the workload manager on the external system.

The operator consists of a Kubernetes controller with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), a Pod and ConfigMap. Once the CR is deployed, the operator is responsible for:

  • Validating input parameters - checking if secrets and other necessary Kubernetes resources specified in the CR exist.
  • Creating the ConfigMap with application specific data from the CR Spec. The data is later utilized by the Pod when submitting the job.
  • Creating the Pod that submits the HTTP/HTTPS requests to send the job to the external system.
  • Reading the job's current state from the ConfigMap (updated by the Pod) and updating the CR status accordingly.
  • Monitoring the Pod and other Kubernetes resources.
  • Responding to reported errors in the external system.
  • Cleaning up resources when the job is deleted.

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The operator implementation depends on the Operator SDK which should be installed on your machine. Installation prerequisites are here and include:

  • git
  • go version 1.18
  • docker version 17.03+
  • kubectl and access to a Kubernetes cluster of a compatible version. Installation procedures are described here For Mac users, we recommend installing with brew. Tested with version v1.22.2

Operator Implementation Details

The Operator's implementation presents a general way of managing Kubernetes resources to create a bridge between an external system and Kubernetes.

The code crucial to submitting and monitoring any actual jobs on the external system is located inside the Pod's image. A specific example image for a Pod managing jobs inside the IBM Spectrum LSF workload management package; is given in lsf-pod.

The Operator defines a CRD BridgeJob which gathers information (required and optional) about the external job. The operator's logic is implemented in the controller's reconcile() function and is used to create, and subsequently control, the ConfigMap and the Pod. Both of which are created directly by the operator.

Additionally the operator leverages the following:

  • A Secret with credentials needed to access the external system from the Pod. Assuming the external system requires authentication, the credentials are expected to exist in advance.
  • An optional Secret with credentials needed to access an S3 object storage bucket used to store input or output files.

Custom Resource Definiton BridgeJob

Here is a general overview of the CRD YAML with some defaults filled in. All fields can hold custom values.

kind: BridgeJob
apiVersion: bridgejob.ibm.com/v1alpha1
  name: mybridgejob
  resourceURL: http://mycluster.ibm.com:8080/platform/
  resourcesecret: mysecret
  imagepullpolicy: Always
  updateinterval: 30
    runlimit: 20 #  mins
    jobScript: /home/batch.sh
    scriptlocation: remote
    s3secret: mysecret-s3
    endpoint: minio-endpoint.us-south.containers.appdomain.cloud
    secure: false
    bucket: mybucket
    files: 'output.txt'

CRD Status

Field Short description
status.jobstatus Status of CR, should reflect status of job in external system
status.message Message providing additional information for DONE/KILLED/FAILED/UNKNOWN jobs
status.starttime Start time from external system filled when job is in finished state
status.completiontime Completion time from external system filled when job is in finished state

spec.jobproperties is a map struct of common job properties which can be selected for the job in external system.

Possible job statuses :

  • DONE

BridgeJob is in a finished state when thejobstatus is in one of the DONE, KILLED, FAILED, or UNKNOWN states. When BridgeJob fails because of missing Kuberentes resources (or data in them), status.message is filled with a brief explanation.


The controller's reconcile logic can be compared to a finite state machine, where every BridgeJob CR specifies a state and actions specific to that state are performed. The possible states can be grouped into two categories as follows:

  • finished: the job's state in the ConfigMap updated by the Pod is Failed', 'Done', 'Killed', or 'Unknown
  • running: the job's state in the ConfigMap updated by the Pod is Pending', 'Running', or 'Suspended

At the beginning of reconciliation, the controller checks if BridgeJob is in a finished or running state. At the end of reconciliation, BridgeJob's state is updated according to the state in the shared ConfigMap.

Notes on S3

If the S3 secret name is not specified in BridgeJob yaml, no information regarding S3 will be propagated to the shared ConfigMap.

If the S3 secret name is specified but it does not exist in the BridgeJob namespace or information is missing (either in Secret or in BridgeJob such as the S3 endpoint), then the CR will fail.

The Pod performs other checks, such as checking for valid credentials, bucket existence.

Local Installation and Deployment

  1. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/IBM/Bridge-Operator.git

  2. cd operator

  3. To run:

    a) Locally outside the cluster

    • Locally from binaries
    • Deploy the CRD: kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/bridgejob.ibm.com_bridgejobs.yaml
    • Edit the file main.go, for the flag.BoolVar as follows: (that is change true to false)
     flag.BoolVar(&enableLeaderElection, "leader-elect", false,
     "Enable leader election for controller manager. "+
     "Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.")
    • Then run the follwing command:
    • make install run

    b) Run as a Deployment inside cluster

    • Deploy the CRD: kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/bridgejob.ibm.com_bridgejobs.yaml
    • make deploy
  • From pre-built resources
    • Deploy all resources at once: kubectl apply -f all.yaml

NOTE: for running on a local Kind cluster comment out all lines in operator/config/prometheus/monitor.yaml before deploying the operator.


For valid examples of Secrets, see lsfsecret.yaml and s3secret.yaml in samples/core/secrets.

For CR examples, see samples/core/operator and for tutorials see samples/tutorials.

Build and Run

Before building, make sure kustomize is installed.

Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/IBM/Bridge-Operator.git. Then run the following commands:

cd operator
cd config/manager
kustomize edit set image controller=${IMG}:[NEW_VERSION]
cd ../../ # Back to the repo root directory
make docker-build docker-push IMG=${IMG}:[NEW_VERSION]
make deploy IMG=${IMG}:[VERSION] # Deploys controller to K8s cluster specified in ~/.kube/config
kustomize build config/default > all.yaml # Generates all resources that have been deployed