
Serve a MinIO instance running in Docker

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

MinIO in Docker

Serve a MinIO instance running in Docker on your server. MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage.


  • Docker installed on server
  • A traefik v2 reverse proxy is already running in Docker
  • A subdomain for MinIO console pointing to your server
  • A subdomain for MinIO storage pointing to your server


  1. Clone this repository on your node and cd into the directory
  2. Replace password in docker-compose.yml:
 sed -i "s/miniopasswordplaceholder/${MINIO_PASSWORD}/g" ./docker-compose.yml

You may want to add a space at the beginning of the command to prevent your password showing up in shell history.

  1. Replace subdomains in docker-compose.yml:
sed -i "s/minio.placeholderdomain.com/${DOMAIN_MINIO_CONSOLE}/g" ./docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/minio-storage.placeholderdomain.com/${DOMAIN_MINIO_STORAGE}/g" ./docker-compose.yml
  1. May adjust network name in docker-compose.yml to match your traefik network

  2. May adjust labels for entrypoints and certresolver in docker-compose.yml to match your traefik config

  3. Start Service:

docker compose up -d
  1. Check if the MinIO storage and MinIO console is available at your respective subdomain. This should be the case within a few minutes. The credentials for the console are admin and your chosen password.
