
Set up a Kubernetes cluster using Singularity as the container runtime

Primary LanguageShell

Kubernetes Cluster based on Singularity

In the current state (31-03-2023), a working cluster cannot be created yet, due to remaining issues.

Set up a Kubernetes cluster using Singularity as the container runtime.

For this, a container runtime interface (CRI) for Singularity is needed. It adapts the Singularity container runtime in a standardized way and therefore enables Kubernetes to use it. A (deprecated) implementation is available here: https://github.com/sylabs/singularity-cri

In general, Kubernetes and Singularity continued evolving while Singularity-CRI was archived in December 2020.

Ultimately, this should have helped us run Kubernetes workloads on HPC clusters. During research and application of this approach, we discovered that the Singularity-CRI service requires root privileges. This is due to the fact that Singularity-CRI uses singularity oci commands. Therefore, it is not an option for usage in HPC context. Finally, we conclude to stop the development here and to continue research on different approaches.


Execute following as root to install and set up Singularity, Singularity-CRI and Kubernetes:

/bin/bash ./setup.sh

So far tried on Ubuntu 22.04


  • Based on current knowledge we want singularity version
    • < 3.10.0 because on removed --empty-process flag
    • >= 3.9.0 because of cgroups
  • This setup appears to be incompatible with HPC requirements
    • Sycri needs to be run as root, because used sigularity oci commands require root privileges



Show logs of services:

journalctl -xfu kubelet


Debug the CRI using crictl provided by Kubernetes. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug/debug-cluster/crictl/

List all containers:

crictl --runtime-endpoint unix:///var/run/singularity.sock ps -a

List all images:

crictl --runtime-endpoint unix:///var/run/singularity.sock images
