
yet another Raspberry Pi (Super 8) Film Scanner

Welcome to yet another Raspberry Pi (Super 8) Film Scanner (yaPiFilmScanner)

First: Give me a friendly Name, please! ;-)

Second: This is mainly a Fork of the T-Scann8 Project from Torulf Holmström.

Why another Film Scanner Project?

I want a (Super 8) Film Scanner with components that i had at home and i dont want to need build/order a special PCB board.

The T-Scann8 Project has nearly all what i want on the Hardware Design. Just the PCB-Board, parts the Software and the Documentation are not absolutely my flavour. But thanks to Torulf Holmström, he share his work under the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence", so i can adapt his work and start this Project.

To avoid the custom PCB board, i will use a famous CNC Shield at the Arduino and a ATX Breakout Board for the Power Supply.

Wish List - Topics for the near future

  • Use OpenPV for the Frame detection, instead of the Phototransistor.
  • Software controlled LED Driver

Current Work

  • Adapt STL files from T-Scann8
  • Adapt and restructure Documenation from T-Scann8