
Automate building of editoar and skoar and all the stuff

MIT LicenseMIT

Build automation for Skoar 3, Editoar, and my version of JUCE we use.

Only tested on windows so far. And it doesn't build a debug build, which we need for the memory leak tests. I haven't seen this in years, surprised it still works honestly.


edit config.bat and set the environment variables (ignore the android ones) python and VS2017 paths, get those right.

run everything.bat and it should:

  • checkout latest Skoar3
  • checkout latest Editoar
  • checkout JUCE version we use (my branch)
  • build Projucer with msbuild
  • run Projucer to make the VS2017 build files, editoar pointing at skoarcery correctly
  • build it all
  • results in a Skoar.exe