
for excel utils

Primary LanguageJava


for excel export utils if you are looking simple excel export utils, that it is.

use like this

model like

            defaultColumnNameCellStyle = @CellStyle(font = @Font(fontName = "圆体"), fillPattern = HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND, fillForegroundColor = 22),
            defaultColumnValueCellStyle = @CellStyle(font = @Font(fontName = "娃娃体-简")),
            defaultLastRowCellStyle = @CellStyle(font = @Font(fontName = "魏碑-繁"), fillPattern = HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND, fillForegroundColor = 22))
    static class ExportObj {
        @ExcelExportField(columnName = "名字啊", columnValueCellStyle = @CellStyle(fillPattern = HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND, fillForegroundColor = 22), lastRowValue = "汇总")
        private String name;

        @ExcelExportField(columnName = "年龄", order = 2,
                columnValueCellStyle = @CellStyle(cellType = Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC),
                lastRowCellStyle = @CellStyle(font = @Font(fontName = "Impact"), cellType = Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA),
                lastRowValue = "faySum()")
        private Integer age;

        @ExcelExportField(columnName = "年龄2", order = 2.1,
                columnValueCellStyle = @CellStyle(cellType = Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC),
                lastRowCellStyle = @CellStyle(font = @Font(fontName = "Impact"), cellType = Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA),
                lastRowValue = "faySum()")
        private Integer age2;

        @ExcelExportField(columnName = "测试列(年龄/年龄2)", order = 2.5,
                columnValueCellStyle = @CellStyle(cellType = Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA),
                defaultValue = "magic1()",
                lastRowCellStyle = @CellStyle(font = @Font(fontName = "Impact"), cellType = Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA),
                lastRowValue = "magic1()")
        private Object test;

        @ExcelExportField(columnName = "测试列2(当前年龄/最大年龄)", order = 2.6,
                columnValueCellStyle = @CellStyle(cellType = Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA),
                defaultValue = "magic2()",
                lastRowCellStyle = @CellStyle(font = @Font(fontName = "Impact")),
                lastRowValue = "100%")
        private Object test2;

        @ExcelExportField(columnName = "简介", order = 3,
                columnNameCellStyle = @CellStyle(alignment = HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT, font = @Font(fontName = "行楷-简")),
                columnValueCellStyle = @CellStyle(alignment = HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT, font = @Font(fontName = "隶变-简")))
        private Object desc;

as you can see upstairs some column lastRowValue like faySum(). the faySum is the magic method which define in config properties. default config properties name is magic.properties look like this:

faySum=sum(${column}2:${column}`${row} - 1`)
magic1=`${column} - 2`${row}/`${column} - 1`${row}
magic2=`${column} - 3`${row}/max(`${column} - 3`:`${column} - 3`)

finally you can do that to test:

                new ArrayList() {
                        add(ExportObj.builder().name("**").age(70).age2(99).desc("hello 字体测试").build());
                .write(new FileOutputStream(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/test.xls"));

the export excel will like that avatar


  • double order() default 1; define order field as double, so you can update the export order as you wish
  • you can create a file named magic.properties define magic methods you need
  • you can create a file named default_value.properties define the annotation default value you wish, like cellstyle.alignment=2