
Implementation of a Hotel Recommendation System based on Implicit Feedback

Hotel Recommendation System with Implicit Feedback

This repository houses the source code and documentation for a hotel recommendation system that leverages implicit feedback data like hotel bookings and user searches. It empowers users to discover hotels that align with their preferences, enhancing their travel experiences.

Authored by

Sofía Suárez Fernández - UO270149@uniovi.es

Quick links

Getting started (Prerequisites)

  1. Vitrual environment: Make sure you have a virtual environment activated for this project. You can activate it using a command like source .venv/bin/activate (assuming your virtual environment is named .venv).
  2. Visual Studio Code (Recommended): Download and install it from https://code.visualstudio.com/. Open the code downloaded in VSCode.
  3. Python ()3.8 or later: Install the appropiate version of Python for your OS from https://www.python.org/downloads/.
  4. Poetry: A tool for dependency management in Python projects. Install Poetry by running pip install poetry in a terminal. Add the Poetry path to your shell. In the project, navigate to the backend folder and run poetry install to install the project dependencies.
  5. PostgreSQL: A relational database management system used by the project. Install it for your operating system. During the installation, choose a password for the "postgres" user, which is the PostgreSQL superuser. Remember this password as you will need it later to configure the database.
  6. pgAdmin4 (Optional): A graphical database management tool that can be used to manage PostgreSQL databases. Download and install pgAdmin4 from https://www.pgadmin.org/download/.

Project Setup


  1. Ensure PostgreSQL is running: Verify that you PostgreSQL database is running and accessible.
  2. Navigate to the backend folder: Use cd backend to navigate to the backend directory.
  3. Run the development server: Execute python manage.py runserver to start the development server for the backend application.
  4. Create a superuser (optional): If you haven't already, create a superuser account for administrative tasks using python manage.py createsuperuser.


  1. Navigate to the frontend folder: Use cd frontend to navigate to the frontend directory.
  2. Install dependencies (if needed): If the project dependencies haven't been installed yet, run npm run install. This will download and install all the necessary packages for the frontend application.
  3. Start the frontend development server: Execute npm run start to launch the development server for the frontend application.


  • Access the application at http://localhost:3000 (this port may vary based on your configuration).
  • Consult the project documentation for more detailed setup and configuration instructions.

By adhering to these prerequisites and steps, you'll be well on your way to running this hotel recommendation system effectively.