Supports Kubernetes on Docker for Mac and kind.
Before blindly executing any script make sure to look at what they do ;)
- Working docker setup
- faas-cli
- kind or enabled Kubernetes on Docker for Mac
- kubectl
- helm 2
There are 3 scripts of interest:
to boot up PLONK stack on the docker for
to boot up PLONK stack on the kind (kubernetes in docker)
to remove PLONK stack from the cluster
To get the token to login to the kubernetes dashboard execute kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}')
To access the Dashboard in the browser, exec
kubectl port-forward -n kubernetes-dashboard service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443
and access https://localhost:10443 afterwards.
Alternatively we can use kubectl proxy
but the access url is longinsh like http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
Details here:
Creating basic auth secret manually is necesssary to boot everything up
PASSWORD=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum| cut -d' ' -f1) kubectl -n openfaas create secret generic basic-auth --from-literal=basic-auth-user=admin --from-literal=basic-auth-password="$PASSWORD"